
751 Expressway

When I was a kid I used to enjoy my father's driving in the backseat looking out from the car window. The changing scenery was attractive of course but I loved to see the other cars driving to the same direction, especially on the expressway. I looked at the driver and the passengers. Most of them were probably family members, husbands and wives, babies, couples, dogs, and kids like myself. I loved to look at the license plate and get excited if the plate had a name of some very distant, unknown city. I felt happy imagining their long journey. I looked at the car design and hood ornaments standing still in the wind of high-speed driving cars. They always reminded me of the "Winged Victory of Samothrace." I loved to see the colors of the cars, because, aside from black and white cars, the range of body colors was surprisingly wide and interestingly diverse. Rarely I found the exact same color.  If I find, say, the series of blue-painted cars, there is always the difference of subtle nuance. 

Why cars on expressway is special? Because we usually use expressway when we need to or wish to go far away. People can drive a long distance without stops on relatively high speed, so their driving technique is outstanding. Cars are gathering from distant cities and places. Passengers are getting ready for the long-time driving. It's full of the extraordinaries.

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