
164 Intelligence

 Anna Karina

I think it is the way people laugh that inevitably and brilliantly shows his/her intelligence. A cheerful, clear and honest laughter makes you believe that the person has refinement, good nature and good sense of communication, which I call is intelligence.


163 Tiffany Blue

©Tiifany & Co.

アクアマリンにほぼ近く、わずかに緑がかった明るい色、ケンブリッジ・ブルーに一番近いと思うのですが、その色をTiffanyのシグネチャー・カラーのような青という意味で"Tiffany Blue"と一般に呼ぶのかと思っていました。その色が実は、同社が19世紀に創業した時から商標登録されていることを最近知りました。「Tiffanyのような色」ではなく「Tiffanyの色」というわけです。

Similar to aquamarine, but with a slightest greenish brightness, which I think is most close to cambridge blue, that the color is generally called "Tiffany Blue" because it resembles the signature blue color of Tiffany & Co., was my understanding. In fact it has been protected as a color trademark since its foundation in 19th century. The color is not "like Tiffany" but "the very Tiffany."


So if you follow them and choose one and only color that idetifies yourself? You might probably come up with one or two of your favorite colors soon. It's not so hard to name the most favorite among them. Mine is navy blue. But in my childhood it used to be cerulean blue or sky blue. A few years ago it was lime green. It seems impossible to pick up one color to symbolize one's whole lifetime, not to say as much as over the century, doesn't it?


Try to pick up just one color that embodies yourself in your own life. You'd understand how difficult it might be to choose one signature color that symbolizes one company always and forever.


162 The Anthem

Oasis "D'You Know What I Mean?" 1997




"D'You Know What I Mean?"は必ずしもNo.1に挙がる曲ではありませんが、当時は"Coolest thing in the world"でした。今では、まあ、同じ感覚には到底なれないのですが、ドラムは間違いなく最高レベルのcoolnessを備えた曲です。彼らの持ち味である(時に過剰なまでの)「ビートルズっぽさ」が、この曲では珍しく控えられてよりモダンさを発揮しています。人の表情もヘリコプターの滑らかな動きもすべて同じような質感、ちょっと独特の精緻な無機質さで捉えた映像も見事です。

"Coolest thing in the world"で通じるもの、それがつまり「アンセム」です。


161 A Lady with Crochet

In one evening I was dining in a bagle cafe. I was reading an architectural magazine and began fed up with it. I walked up to the shelf and took a magazine full of Hollywood celebrity news.

Soon after a lady came into the shop and sat at table next to mine. She seemed to be in late 50's, small and plump. Her mussy black hair was without luster, her blotched face was dull, and her outfits were somber. Only her shoes were chic, but overall, she was unlikely a kind of person whom you're wiling to spend some time sitting next to.

I've lost interest in her and stopped watching her. I was back in the report of marriage and divorce of gorgeous people. Then I heard her voice ordering cafe au lait. It was clear and sweet, which would make anyone notice how she was careful about etiquette. It was charming in contrast to her appearance.

When I finished coffee and magazine, she was completely quiet. I gave her a last glance---and was surprised. She was listening to music with earphone from her shining mobile phone and engaged in some crochet. The thing she was knitting was not certain but something made of two different grey and rose pink. It looked less 'granny-made' and was a delicate work. The contrast between her unattractive look and sophisticated act was so vivid. I kept staring at her but she stayed calm perfectly ignoring me.

I felt even I could write her story. She, 'the dull granny' might actually be an arm-chair detective who was solving the case while knitting. She might possibly be an ex-Very Important Person who now off duty. I kept imagining like an ambitious movie producer after I left the shop.

Manwatching hardly makes fun these days, but keep watching, and you will find an unpredictable moment full of surprise and joy, from time to time.

160 Globe Trotter

I think I had better start planning my journey-in-late-summer-or-possibly-early-autumn. I have in my mind some ideal cities for my destination. Any of them will brighten up my vacation.

When I see many happy tourlists from entire planet, sometimes I can't help wondering if it is surely valuable for them to visit here, because I'm not so perfectly certain why my city attracts a great many people. Are you really enjoying my city? Isn't it much more comfortable to stay in your own in the middle of summer?  

Then if I go some city, the citizens would say to me, "Why do you come all the way to my country? Is there anything to see?"---this is exactly the question I was asked by a kind young man when I traveled Europe. He even recommended me to change my course to neighbor countries. 

For him it might have been odd if I chose the country out of many famed resorts to spend my vacation. It wasn't. I chose the place first and took a vacation. The difference is simple but significant. You have two ways of journey; one for resting yourself in a beautiful scenery and fine food, and other for questing whatever, going wherever you want.

There are double the reason to go round the globe.


159 Finding Pixar




ファインディング・ニモ  (2003年)


モンスターズ・インク (2001年)


ウォーリー (2008年)


カールじいさんの空飛ぶ家 (2009年)




158 "Patience, My Blue Friend"

White Birch has a coded message; "Meekness", that is, Patience.
ある人にある質問をしたところ、その答えはいとも簡潔に"Be Patient"でした。訳すまでもないというより、むしろ、うまく言い当てる訳語がありませんでした。



耐える、我慢するとは何かの感情や意思を打ち消すことを指すように思います。しかしPatientの本来の意味は、打ち消すことにあるのではなくその先の何かを予期し、すぐには手に入らなくても寛容に待ち受ける、という姿勢を指すのではないかということです。幼い子供が何か欲しがり、大人はそれを与えたくないとき、日本語は「がまんしなさい」で通じるのでしょう。しかし英語で"Patience"と言ったなら、それは今は手に入らないが待ってみなさい、という意味になるのではないでしょうか?諦めさせたいのなら"Give up"と言えばよいのですから。

がまんする方には類語が沢山ありますが、嬉しい方にはあまりないのが日本語の不思議なところです。たとえば「幸福」は?同じ意味の日本語はあまり思い付きません。でも英語のhappinessにはbliss, felicity, well-being, euphoria, eudaimoniaと大勢の類語があります(あまり日常的でない単語もありますが)。


"Be Patient"には、今すぐ何とかなるものではない状況を受け入れることへの否定的な感情を強いる意味も、当然含まれるでしょう。ただ、「忍耐、辛抱」といういかにも受身で抑圧的な言葉はまるで合わないように思えたのです。そこにはもっと軽く、単純で、前向きな意志の力が感じられたのです。


157 Old-school

When I was in a primary school I spent 3 years in a old wooden schoolhouse which was perhaps one of the oldest building in the city. It was grand and beautiful with green courtyard and wisteria trellis where bumblebees scared us. The most unforgettable was the marvelously structured wood beam of the gymnasium. Before the school was rebuild to a new house, and it was just a few months before my graduation I had secretly scraped a bit of wood chip from the beam in memory of old house. 

Years later the high school I went was also a big old schoolhouse with more than a thousand students and about fifty teachers and staffs walking around. At that time I was absorbed in painting, and art room was my main hangout after class. It was located in a wing separated from classrooms and had a high ceiling, lots of plaster busts like Venus of Milos, Michelangelo's David, skulls of buffalo, and was filled with strong smell of oil paint. Again, the old building was reconstructed just before my graduation. The new one is designed to be bright and modern, too much modern, with a strange-shaped canopied entrance like a space station.

At university I was again studying in very much old buildings. The college was  a mixture of genuine classical architectures and just old worn-out builldings except for some science and high-tech laboratories. I enjoyed both of them, especially when exploring these old&new buildings in search for architectural  surprises (which was surprising only to a young, innnocent and ignorant sophomore.) Part of the old buildings were totally renewed after my graduation, but the ancient clock tower is still left.

I remember how I was fascinated at first sight by the decent stoic glass & concrete cubes in a futuristic campus when I was sudying at another university before. While I am a follower of modernism design, the school building is the only category that I accept the charm of old style.