
277 Arrival

I spent my holidays at Zurich and Basel in Switzerland. Besides its super-clean, calm and matured international culture as everyone knows it, there I saw a wonderland. It's marvelous Christmas decoration at Bahnhofstrasse, elaborate alleys of old town date back to the Roman Empire, and a chilly fresh air from the lake. They were beautiful, magical and flavorful. I'd like to introduce some of them in the following journals of my petit itinerary.


276 Departure

So here's the vacation. I'll be heading to a destination city where they officially speak 4 different languages, none of them I hardly understand (but it doesn't matter much and that's why I'm always impressed by the power of English). The flag carrier of the country is a member of Star Alliance. Where do you guess I'm visiting? 

275 Whole Food

”健全な食事”には決して無関心ではなく、どころかむしろ積極的な方で、野菜をたくさん採る、朝食を採る、バランス良く食べる、水をたくさん飲む、腹八分で食べる、というあたりは毎日意識しなくても自然と身についています。世の中にはヴィーガンフーズとか、赤身の肉がいいとか、卵の白身がいいとかいろいろありますが、Whole food、つまり食材を丸ごと食べるというアイディアは面白いものです。魚なら頭から尻尾まで、野菜は皮ごと、さらに卵やナッツ、全粒粉の穀物も同じ位置付けのようです。肉食でも菜食でもなく「丸ごと」とは分かりやすく親しみやすい考え方です。実際には、トウモロコシのひげまで食べるのかとか、パイナップルの皮まで食べるのかとか、焼き魚の尻尾の先までほんとうに食べるのかどうかといえば、あまり食べても美味しくない部分はあるはずですが、そこまで厳密な話ではないだろうと思います。ともかく、魚一匹、野菜を丸ごと、ナッツや豆、卵を食べるのは実に美味しく、また理にかなっているわけです。


274 Happy Holiday

 It's still 1 month before Christmas, but the town seems to be ready now. I tend to look more at these brilliant ornaments than usual this year, maybe because my late vacation begins soon.


273 Birthday 2012

This being my birthday, and somebody says birthday is your new year's day, I declare, I hope I would make a new splash this year! 
Thank you for wishing my luck, my dear friends.


272 Picture Book

When I was a kid I loved especially a dog picture book for children. I had both dog's book and cat's, but without particular reason I always preferred dog. I enjoyed reading the breed of dogs all over the world so much. There were pointers, spaniels, hounds, terriers, retrievers, setters and more. I memorized each of them. I draw pictures of them and remembered their home country, history, characteristics and behaviors with its figures. Now I don't recall them exactly the same as I had in mind, but some names and visual images are still clear (This picture is beautiful Siberian Husky but my favorite at that time was Borzoi.)

Sometimes I think about this old enthusiasm to dogs when I write my blog. As my readers might know I don't set any single theme here. I talk about movies, plants, music, travels and funny things that happen around me. I know blogs are useful when it's a place for a certain subject, like a cuisine-study blog in the lovely comedy film "Julie & Julia." If I try something alike, I'd write about  "Superb Architecture 100" or "World's Color encyclopedia" or maybe "My favorite cool tunes of the month", but I don't try to define the scope. One reason is somebody already had done it. The other is my curiosity won't be satisfied with only one category.  So I just write whatever I wish. 

The true reason I rethink about my blog is I wonder if I could write 100 posts in a year, without a break from 2010. This being my third challenge at the end of the year, I’m ready for it.


271 Tips for shopping


