
95 Lighting

a street in Copenhagen, early morning, December






94 Clubbing

I believe this theme is perfectly wrong to talk about after my statement of "being a little bit healthier". Staying up all night, in a dark closed room, with smoke and alcohol---I like none of them. Still I sometimes go there because once I saw a perfect moment in clubbing.

It was a kid, a littel girl. A kid? In a club? I thought, and so did everyone. But soon we were amazed by her perfect coolness. She showed no interest in drunken and smoking adults around her. She seemed so plain, clean and chic. She was standing there alone just to dance to enjoy music.

I remember people praised her for its almost dignified manner. I don't know if she was a daughter of a famous DJ or a club manager, or just a youngest guest. What drew my attention was a fact that she knew how to enjoy music in clubbing better than anyone else in the room.

To me the image of the kid is like a symbol of clubbing. Maybe I go to club just to find out if I could be the one who really enjoy music like her.


93 Cure



仕事柄、疲労やストレスには事欠かないとはいえ、あまり誉められた話でもありません。誕生日にかこつけていうなら、「今後はもうすこし健康になる」と宣言してみてもよい頃です。 面倒がりでも続けられそうな、最も単純で手軽で(しかも無料の)健康法をしばらく試すべきかもしれない、と考えています。




92 Birthday

November 12, 2010, today's my birthday (As my readers might kindly remember this is also Grace Kelly's 81th birthday!)
I do not especially favor parties or gatherings, and I was determined not to plan to make others congratulate me.
So let it be. Let it happen, I thought.
It happened. From the beginning of the day I got many messages and cheers, photos and cards. My boss urged me to leave office early and go for a drink. My fellow worker presented me a huge moca cake with candle on it (funny thing is the shop staff misspelled my unusual birth name so I couldn't help laughing)
To be honest I don't know what is so special about birthday. We celebrate Christmas because Jesus is great. But we are not. Nevertheless, birthday is an anniversary when you can know that your relationships with people around you is so great.
Thank you so much.


91 Owlcity

"Incredible. What am I doing here?"(Adam Young in Owlcity)

いささか内省的で夢見がちできれいな曲で聴かせるOwlcityのライブに行ってきました。友人のおかげで直前リハーサルにsneak inできたのですが、そこには曲のイメージ通り、いかにも寡黙でナイーヴそうなミュージシャンがいました。



 "Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs."
 "Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future..."
 "...but not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living Force."

 (from Star Wars episode I)
