
226 Move


225 Trooping the Colours

For this 5 weeks I've posted nothing but black-and-white photos. I don't mean I like monotone when my life is monotone, and I don't believe my life is such a monochrome as people around me think, concerned about my hard-work life. It probably is alright as I did shot some colorful photos like these.

But I came to know the beauty of monochrome especially from the silent movie of the 21st century; "The Artist", which is marvelous and beyond words to explain the beauty. Only I could say is monochrome has its own colour and it's miraculously vivid.

224 Radio Days

from Monocle Weekly 

I've been always a big fan of radio program and convinced that none of TV programs or smartphones could convey information like radios can. One day I was cleaning my place listening to a radio talk show without much attention. The host introduced two guests. One was a singer who won fame with his early surf music tens of years ago. The other was a veteran composer of commercial music. I didn't feel special interest to them but their talk was far from boring, so nice and smooth that it spurred my imagination without knowing it. If I didn't listen to the program I'd never have learned that the surf-musician could design a ship and currently he was building a 100% Eco Ship. Only from the conversation I could imagine his planning for the ship and memoize it "visually."

This has been the same with the music from radio. I listened to radio and heard the music from London, Stockholm and Brooklyn with such familiarity as if they were played on the next corner of my town. This is imagination. I was also a big fan of MTV, and I think this is different. MTV gives many great visual perspectives and radio can reach your own inner imagination directly. I'm not sure if this is the wise case to compare, but I understand why the famous Orson Welles' radio show in 1938 made people believe Martian invasion was truely taking place.


223 Marilyn

"The Prince and the Showgirl"の撮影で英国で過ごすマリリン・モンローを描いた"My Week With Marilyn"。恋愛ものと宣伝されがちですが、見どころはマリリンがサー・ローレンス・オリヴィエを相手にいかに役者としてのこだわり(とわがまま)を見せたか、二人の俳優がどれほど対立したか、またオリヴィエが激昂しながらもマリリンの天性の演技をいかに尊敬したか、そして彼女がなぜ世界でもっとも魅力的で美しい女性だったのかが抑制されたテンションで語られ、主演二人の名演とともに記憶に残る映画となりました。





222 Choose Future

Yesterday I was looking at my books. I don't have much books on my shelf as I don't like to own things a lot. There had to be the chosen ones. Then I was a little surprised when I knew that some of my favorite books were not as exciting as before. Some of them are worth reading a hundred times and I did read them nearly as much as that. Am I too pressed by time to appreciate my own classics? Do I lose my literary sense that I had before?

I don't think it's true because I know how I felt when I was reading and adoring those books. I still understand in what way I liked them. I liked their humor, taste, theme and style. They are unchanged and still nourishing a certain part of my knowledge. But the thing is I might get ready for a new dimension, a new habit, a new style. I came to realize it and was glad that I still had capacity to welcome the future.

To be obsessed with the past may cloud the path to the future encounter. And yet it's always hard to handle the balance between staying true to the standard, learning from the history, and growing up with a new breakthrough experience. But it's not throwing your classics away. It has to be a natural way. I hope I can choose the future rather than the past when necessary.