
338 Before My Time

I've never seen this great documentary film called "Chasing Ice" (2012), which describes the undeniable fact of earth's climate change. The film received high acclaim but I happened to know the original song for the film "Before My Time" which was nominated for Oscar, and was immediately captured by the fantastic music before I got to know anything about the film. The singer is Scarlett Johansson and the warmth and depth of her voice is just amazing.


337 Eagle Eye

Do I walk in the street with bright open eyes like a flying eagle?
Do I always look up with confidence in the eyes?
Do my eyes have strength to penetrate, to get insight, to influence?
Do my eyes look lively, vivid, and definitely clear?
Do my eyes sparkle and be mighty?
Do I wake up in the morning and my eyes tell something wonderful?
Do I stay so at the end of the day?

Do you?


336 Immune System





335 Trial and Error but...

Recently I very often feel that what I do, strangely, tends to become the opposite of my intention. I'm doing badly, I'm lost, I cannot make my way out, or cannot myself understood (not always, but often). 

But all I can do is just do it. Just do what I do. If I miss tiny little sense of incongruity it might turn out to be error, and I feel down, but that's it. I keep doing, like these genius.

"I've failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
-Michael Jordan

"What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me."
-Walt Disney


334 Swim

I swam for the first time in many years. Not just because the summer is coming and I need some refreshing coolness, but there's some hope of easing discomfort over my back, shoulders and neck. But once in the water, the practical purpose was kind of away. No matter what the effect may be, the sense of swimming, diving, kicking and pushing the water aside, are simply awesome.  

333 Hip Hop Hooray!

I happened to know the remarkable thing.
Here's the story. My birthday 12th November is also an official anniversary of Hip hop. According to Wikipedia and other web media, the birth of hip hop as a style of combination of artistic forms; MCing, DJing, Breaking, and graffiti art, were outlined and stated on November 12th 1974, in NYC.

I'm just excited by the nice coincidence because hip hop dancing has been my primary avocation for this ten or more years. Hip hop is my "big brother".


332 Oblivion



監督のJoseph Kosinkiはスタンフォード大学機械工学デザイン科を卒業後、コロンビア大学建築大学院で修士課程を修め、建築からNike、Appleなどの映像クリエイター、そして映画監督へと転じた経歴の持ち主で、アカデミックな背景と先端的な美意識がこの映画にも満ち溢れています。雲の上の近未来モダンな住居から、球形が巧みに活かされた小型のジェット機、スマートフォンをテーブルにしたような司令塔システムまで、美しく、リアリティのある造形が徹底しています。その一方で、地上の景色や動植物の静かで自然な美しさを魅せる場面が交差し、一体どちらがフェイクなのか?と問いかけられるようです。




331 Next Best

3 and a half year passed since I started this little blog. According to the statistics August 2010 was the record month of most visited. And this May 2013 almost topped the record (the gap was only 5 times viewing). It's totally unpredictable and unexpected how many readers visit here every month. It may be just by chance, or it may not. The record might mean something, or nothing. But I just would like to thank you all and hope you would enjoy this blog.