
173 Skybathing

Could anyone explain how beautifully it can refresh and sharpen up people just to look at and take some air from very early morning sky?

I think this is not just a mental effect of feeling good. It should be something substantial, scientific action working on.

It's different from the sunlight-bathing. Sun has not even appeared.

What's that thing seriously that makes me feel terribly great when looking at the break of dawn? 

172 Alber Elbaz and Alvar Aalto

I've hardly known about the designer of Lanvin, Mr. Alber Elbaz. Weeks ago I read about his comment on fashion business. He talked about the unnatural rushing cycle of the fashion business and that it have been pressed too far. He explained ironically how designers are obliged to produce more and more collections in better, richer and greater quality and at cheaper cost. 

A few days later I found the new ad-film of Lanvin's Fall/Winter 2011 collection. Mr. Elbaz himself was on it and looked very effortlessly cheerful and happy.

Soon after I encountered a FT weekend article portraying him that tells some of his remarks which I thought was witty and realistic, as well as how successfully he has been making good money (that was Financial Times, not Vogue).

"Be both big and small, in other words, do not be afraid to dream big, but also never forget you are just a man."
"Fashion is something you make that gives a sort of protection to people so they can leave home in the morning."

Coincidently at the same time I met an impressive words from Finnish greatest architect, Mr. Alvar Aalto;

"Do not think you are making a chair. You're making something people sit on. That way leads you to a new idea and creation."

I don't mean to combine these two creator's words in any way but definitely this is both about the humanity in creation.


171 Cliché

Coffee, water, bread, vegetables with orange-dressing, boiled egg and yogurt with honey





170 Satellite



169 F/W

Lanvin F/W 2011 Collection

I can't resist the temptaion to post this, even if I know this is just about fashion-ad again. #167 Prada and this Lanvin movies were both photographed by Steven Meisel, both splendid, but the effect is quite the opposite. Compared to Prada's motionless sober girls in a bright color dream, this shows ultra-glomourous ladies and guys animated by their jaunty dance in a solemn room.  

It's no use of explanation. If you might like it or not this is groovy.

Funny thing is that some people discuss the awkwardness of the dance. Of course this is intentional---this is a sense of joke, what else it could be? But this is a highly classy joke. This is terrifically chic because the clothing is terrific after all. Still, as an amateur dancer I can't help keeping my eyes on the funny choreography than the posh collections.


168 Grass Roots





167 A/W

PRADA A/W 2011 Campaign
It might be too late to talk about A/W collection now, but doesn't matter. I always think that fashion industry can foresee the future well but never review if their vision was really appropriate to the season back in half year ago. However, sensitive designers have ability to learn well from the past.

Every season PRADA campaign attract my eyes. In this A/W 2011 collection, obviousy they had succeeded to realize the inspiration from 60's modernism and Piet Mondrian's abstract paintings. And the incredible was the movie. Here the approachable real clothing also contains a complex charm.

Sulky girls(as always in PRADA campaigns) are lying on floor or couch. Clothings usually don't look so great when the wearer is sprawling, but they're still chic. A taste of glamour, but mostly dryness and indifference(as true to girl's nature).

I like it because there's no room for farfetched fashion story even if the warm colors and catchy, dreamy eyes seem to be telling something. The clothing is fantastic. Beautifully and comfortably fitted. That's what the fashion is all about. 

The real topic here is not the campaign itself. Back in early 2010, I wrote about PRADA. I read it again before writing this #167 and was embarasssed because the text was clumsy. It's not so bad but apparently struggling to deliver the feelings. If this being a document my boss will turn it down. If I am the boss I'll do the same(so the readers please kindly do not trace that post).

I started this blog mostly because I could do my own writing training, and not wishing to be a fashion blogger. I'm satisfied as this training seems to be working well so far.


166 Jets' Lounge

I really sometimes see the airplanes landing on the runway as the flock of birds. It's not that they look like birds (they don't), but they're like the migratory birds busily landing and flying away in every 10 minutes. 

Although I like the finest, modern airports and do respects who creat them, my opinion is airports should be functionally simple. Airports are for jets, not for jet-sets. Airports are for managing the secure and organized flights as quick and comfortable as possibe, and offering a safe place for the high-tech iron birds to feed them and support their cross-border travel. 

When looking at too much commercialized or too much localized airports I must say I feel confused. Do they have to be equipped with so many amusement for tourlist, especially in the age when almost everyone has its own i-something gadget to pass time? And isn't airport an international common place, which allows passengers a temporarily care-free time without minding the local differences outside the airport?


165 Triangle

ガレット・ブルトンヌ(Galette bretonne、フランスのそば粉パンケーキ)は普通円い生地を四角く折りたたむものだと思っていましたが、この店では三角でした。しかも正三角形。


