
471 White / Blank

Is it white or blank to express the state of mind of reset and restart? Almost everyone feel the necessity to throw away useless things and even more useless information to find clearer brain and more comfortable way of life. This zen-like approach is harder than expected. Even if you make up your mind to start clearing your head, human mind is so easily tinted in a blink of an eye by what you see, what you hear, and what you feel. But if you get closer to the state, is it felt like brand new white canvas, or filled with white light, or thoroughly cleared and emptied to blank, or just being transparent?

470 Radio Days #2

I feel I haven't yet finished talking about the charm of radio. I guess the topic will be continuing to appear in this blog whenever I find new opinion and way to tell the impression on radio program. 

Simply, radio is for listening to music. In my experience if I listen to radio for couple of hours in the weekend, I will find at least one tune nice enough to make me search the title in iTunes store. So this rate adds up to 4-5 songs in a month, and 50+ songs in a year. Furthermore, radio gives you a very big fun of unpredictability. Suddenly without expectation you will meet your "song of the month", which is a joy and surprise, and keeps your belief that good music does exist.

Another point worth to be mentioned about radio is that they are (basically) live broadcasting. At the same time the programs are (basically) created professionally with carefully selected music that go with the theme, dialogue and the atmosphere at the time of broadcasting. In contrast with the power of movies or SNS browsing that take away the sense of time and place from the audience's mind, radio is always marching alongside the course of time. So radio is always fresh and living. I think it's reasonable to say that radio is best at simply reminding us the sense of being here now.


469 The LEGO® Movie

Everything is Awesome!!
凄い映画が次から次に出てくるものです。レゴブロックの世界でレゴブロックの主人公たちの活躍を描くアクション・アニメーション・コメディが"The LEGO Movie"です。多くのレビューですでに絶賛されているところですが、子供向けのおもちゃのアニメーションというレベルの作品ではありません。その表現力、映像技術、コメディのセンス、ストーリーテリング、キャラクター造形、スリルとアクションとドラマ、ほぼすべてを兼ね備えたハイクオリティな映画、しかも寝そべって楽しく眺められるポップコーン・ムービーです。大変な快挙と言えるでしょう。



468 Airiness

Everyone might have different opinion of their own about what they expect to the spaces they live and not everyone can afford to live in a vast luxurious room like this. But I feel the key to describe the comfort of modern interior is airiness, meaning the openness to the fresh air like you are in the refreshing nature surrounded by wind and green.

It is known to be mentally bracing to get rid of useless things around you and to positively say goodbye to meaningless stuffs. But thinking it in a way that removing such stuffs leads to better airiness and ventilation physically, it will probably make sense as a scientific fact.   

467 Maleficent




とはいえこの映画は予想されるほど暗いトーンではなく、むしろ全編にユーモアが溢れた楽しい作品です。自ら死の魔法をかけた幼いプリンセスが能天気な妖精たちの元で危なっかしく育つのを見て見ぬ振りができず、いつのまにかその庇護と育児と教育を一身に担ってしまう姿はどう見てもコメディです。一方造形表現も大変印象的で、力強い翼で空を翔るMaleficentはさながら"Nike of Samothrace"の美しさに通じ、翼を奪われ、怒りで転落しながらも最後は英雄として蘇る姿は、現存するNikeが顔と腕を失いながらも神々しい彫像であることとも不思議に似通っているのです。


466 Shaken, not stirred

With shakers you'd make easily blended beverages from different ingredients of all tastes, types and shapes. They're mixed and crashed vigorously but that's how they altogether make new taste that is to be appreciated. This is desirable for a martini but sometimes I wonder why it is so hard for different people or organization to be shaken. Sense of value, personality, identity, or history should be kept in its each uniqueness and not be mixed roughly, but it will be with great ease to organize different people if there is a good shaker. Maybe we should rename M&A to 'Merger, Acquisition and Shaker.'  

465 iOS

I got my first iOS product. Now that so many people around the world use iPhone or iPad I don't feel I need to praise and advertise them here at all and don't have any excessive expectations on how much my social & digital life would change, but it might be fair enough to say that I admire its quality of photographic function. It's more than okay, it's excellent. Well, any digital photo always seems to me more beautiful than the real subject, but it should be overlooked. There's no perfect.

Contrary to what many Mac/Apple fans might expect, the thing I hope for this new gadget is toughness and sustainability which I believe is most likely to match its functionalism minimum design.


464 Saving Mr. Banks

自分の小説がもしディズニーによって映画化されるとしたら、それは作家にとって手放しで大喜びすることなのか、それとも自分のかけがえのない物語が巨大なディズニー・マーケティングの材料になってしまうと怖れを抱くことなのか。「メリー・ポピンズ」制作の舞台裏を描く「Saving Mr. Banks」は、明るくポップなミュージカル映画に断固反対する原作者と、あらゆる手を尽くして映画化を推し進めるウォルト・ディズニーの対話が軸で、何やら心温まるディズニーらしいストーリー展開を期待するようなものではありません。ユーモアも含まれてはいるものの控えめで、終始不機嫌な原作者が、何事も一流かつ強気のディズニー流手腕に(渋々ながら)賛同して映画が完成するのですが、その物語が生まれた背景は思いもよらぬほど悲痛な記憶の光景にあるのです。




463 The Look

Why we look at each other's eyes to talk with the other, to know, and to read the mind? Why we think our eyes show our feelings? Eyes are like a camera lens to input visual information outside. But we feel they have something more.  We feel that they are not only a function of information device of the brain. We maybe look at each other's eyes not because they are the lens, but because they do also output the inner information. I know this expression is no science, but they seem to radiate light or heat some kind of magnetic wave, something that is substantially existing, that will be well caught by eyes on the counterpart. That's how our eyes are automatically attracted by those of others. Whatever, the look of eyes have no doubt such strong power that people tend to believe that eyes can tell well.

Eye color might be also the reason why we find eyes are expressive and attractive enough to be looked at sometimes for several hours. Brown, black, blue, hazel, green, grey, and amber--- eyes are the sole colorful and mystical part of our body that is given such variety, even in one ethnic group.  


462 Caption

Let's say you are reading an interior magazine. There should be tons of photos of living room, kitchen, balcony, furniture, garden, lights and lumps, plants, roof, kid's room, dining room, bath room, architects and designers who made them, and so on. You will see the detailed explanation on each of them beneath the photos and also outstanding headlines that tells you what the article features and appeals for you. 

What if, all these words of explanation disappear from the photo? You'll see a finely designed wooden arm chair, but you will have to guess what you can understand from the photo. It's like looking at many photos shown by your friend who took them in the vacation and tells you "Isn't it great?" while you are trying to figure out what's great with the scenery. It may be annoying in a way but sounds fun. 

We tend to depend on the printed words and likely to be satisfied with the information from them. Written information is the important factor of the media but sometimes it might be enjoyable to take time to appreciate and imagine the meaning of visual information itself. 

461 Five Years

I started this Reindeer Records blog in January 2010. 4.5 plus years have passed and I have last 40 posts to accomplish 500 posts in 5 years. This is not a diary but an absolutely personal, easy-going record of my own words and temporary thoughts. I have no obligation to keep posting 100 articles in a year. I don't see any significant meanings in quantity. Quality does matter. But I don't even know how to evaluate the quality of my writings. At least, when I look back older posts I might find my English writings has been a bit better in these years. That is a meaning, but not so mach of a thing to keep me writing even in desperately busy or troublesome time of my life. What makes me run this place is nothing but the existence of unknown readers from countries I've never been to. Some of them must come here by pure mistake, possibly guided from Google. It is alright with me. I am humbly thankful to everyone who read my posts and I am glad if my writings could offer you whatever makes you happy or comfortable. So I keep my small challenge of finishing 500 posts during the rest of 5 months through 2015.

(Just wish to express my sincere appreciation also to my friends whom I know well and who are so generous enough to be readers of this blog.)


460 Summer Cloud

Do you want summer sky to be all clear without any cloud? That would be beautiful in post cards but in reality, in this heat and beaming sunlight, the light shadow of cloud looks a mercy. Especially summer cloud is great in sunset, when we finally escape the sharp sunlight in the daytime and wish to look up the sky. 


459 Frozen Again

暑い暑い夏の盛りには、何度見返しても面白く、歌も素晴らしく、そして目にも涼しい”Frozen”がお勧めです。世界中でこれほど沢山の人が観た映画の影響というのは大きく、ウェブにはおそらく何千人、何万人?の"My review on Frozen"が飛び交っているわけです。特に深読みせずとも率直に感動できる良い映画ですが、なるほど見直してみるといろいろ気づくところがあるのも事実です。



#1  物語の中盤、ハンスはアナの馬だけが怯えて戻ってきたのを見てアナの身を案じ、救助に向かうことにしたはずでした。が、どう見ても途中から目的はアナの捜索ではなくエルサの捕捉に変わり、城内で意識を戻したエルサがアナを呼ぶように頼んでも、ハンスは「アナはまだ戻らない」と淡白に言い放つだけです。実はこの段階でハンスの行動の怪しさが垣間見えていたのかもしれません。

#2 アナの生命を救い、エルサに真の力を自覚させたのは「真実の愛」すなわちアナによる姉のための自己犠牲であり、その行動が従来のお伽話のようにヒロインに与えられるものではなく自らが選び取る道であることがこの映画の新しい点なのですが、その前に「アナのためなら溶けても良い」と雪だるまのオラフからアナに向けて強い自己犠牲の愛情が向けられているのですが、この愛でも凍った心が溶けないところを見ると、ハッピーエンドに向かって「与えられる愛ではない」というひねりが加えられていることがここで示されているのかもしれません。

#3 幼いエルサに対し力を封じ込めるよう忠告したのはトロールの長ですが、よかれと思ったアドバイスにしても、結局これがすべての災難を招いたのでは…。

#4 実際のところ姉妹の間では常にエルサの方がよりアナを案じ、大事にしているようです。エルサが国土を氷で閉じ込めたのはまったく無意識にしたことで、また氷の城で訪問者を威嚇したのも身を守るためで、本当はそれほど悪いことはしていないように見えます。自分の力が成した災害を知ってからは、ただ国と国民を傷つけないようそこから離れることを願い、アナにも自分から離れるように懇願します。策略によって断罪の危機にさらされても、最後の最後まで心配するのは自分ではなくアナのことだけです。この物語においてエルサは至って愛情深く、比べてまだ未熟なアナがそれを学ぶことを体現する、というお話なのかもしれません。

#5 エンドロールの後、足を切り落とされ、崖から落ちてしまった氷の巨人(マシュマロウ)がほうほうの体で氷の城に戻ってきて、捨てられた王冠を見つけてハッピーになるという微笑ましいシーンがあります。いつのまに足は自分で直したのかな…。


458 Muscle for Being

I once saw a documentary program featuring a sculptor working for the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona for years. His masterpieces were impressive of course, but the moment the interviewer (and the audience, including me) couldn't help exclaiming in admiration was when the camera caught his well-build, refined, lean yet sturdy body. He seemed to be maybe in his 60's. He laughed embarrassedly at the admiration and just answered "Naturally. I handle heavy stone." 

The other day I read an interview of a renowned dancer who told that he almost never tried muscle training or muscle building, though no need to mention that he had a body like a sculptured figure. He also said he felt most comfortable when he controls his muscle created only through dancing. 

Muscle is not for the muscle itself. It's for movement and power.

The insight of these stories is simple. Our body is (might be) trained through its profession in its own way. I wonder if sculptor, dancer, singer, fireman, conductor, driver, postman, chef, gardener, doctor, economist, fisherman, copywriter, artisan, all the houseworker and everybody could have its own trained fine muscle justly fit for the each professional movement.