
447 Far Away, So Close



446 Go Cloud

Nobody would be cheered up by seeing layers of dark grey clouds. However I imagine that pilots sometimes gets excited in front of these sight because they know they will soon reach sunlight and clear sky once going through the dark clouds. I imagine that is a different excitement when they go up in a unclouded blue sky without any obstacle.

Knowing how beautiful the clear sky is, knowing how sincerely you wish to see the sky and light, and having the power to do so, you will eventually break through and go across the heavy cloud, and finally you will even gain the seemingly hostile clouds as your ally. 


445 I Wish I Had…#2

I wish I had a bathtub that makes true sea wave within the bath water. A natural wave, not a jet bath or spa-jacuzzi. If you feel in your bathtub a restless sea wave washing your body with a sound of its roaring and breaking onto the shore. I suppose this is technically possible and maybe already realized. The experience will be great and soothing. As we are not always enable to enjoy it in some southern island, doesn't this deserve considering? Anyhow, there is no rule that people must take a bath in still water. 


444 I Wish I Had…#1

I wish I had a computer covered with thin wooden panel instead of sleek aluminium coating. Not always, but sometimes. Wood-boarded PC will be of no good to the portability, usability, durability, speediness, or stain-resistance. But I just think it will comfortably accord as a furniture when laid on the wooden dining table. 


443 Ender's Game

SF映画の定番テーマといえば異星人との戦争。有名なオーソン・ウェルズのラジオドラマから現代に至るまで何度も繰り返されているテーマですが、必ずしも戦う必要などないとしても、やはり地球にこの文明が生じた以上、宇宙のどこかには同じような活動があっても不思議ではないとは思えます。Science Fictionとはファンタジーではなく、万に一つも起こりえるFictionかもしれません(ただし良く知られているように科学的であることと真実であることは必ずしも一致しません)。
「Ender's Game」は異星人の侵略から地球を守るために訓練を受ける子供達を主人公として、ほとんどの舞台は訓練船の中、シミュレーションの戦闘訓練を描きながら話が展開していきます。各々クセのある子供達、無機質な空間での訓練、タイトルの通り映像もストーリーもすべて何とも「ゲームっぽい」のですが、そこにこの映画の大きな思わぬ仕掛けがあります。SF映画というより閉ざされた空間での緊張感を描く潜水艦ドラマのような趣もあり、不思議な深みを残す映画です。


442 Light in Raining



441 Learn While You Can

Life is short as always said. I happen to think about the time I lose someone whom I admire, respect and get inspired. Or losing someone who is close to me. I imagine I will regret that I should respect more, care about more, and be better to them for the sake of their happiness. However I also think it's more significant for a person to be dealt seriously with actual feelings, even with collision, rather than just to be taken good care of. Being honest is the toughest lesson learned in human relationships and it's sometimes forbidden in certain social situation of course. But it's worth trying to be honest to yourself and to someone around while you can, as all is once in our lifetime.  

440 Radio Days

I love radio. I keep listening to radio programs for hours. But lately people tend to think what makes me get so attracted to the old entertainment while they (including me) are busy to check social networks. I guess I had kept expressing my delight on listening to radio but I sometimes feel I need to clarify more why I care for it.

First and foremost you're free in listening to radio, meaning your imagination, your memory, your thought, and these flow of your mind gets no limitation with just your ears fixed to the sound. It's funny to me that when your gets information through eyes fixed on TV or PC or smartphone screen you seems to be not only restricted in physical action but also in mental activity. You cannot do anything that requires your eyes, (almost every daily action?) when you looking at something. 

However you can do reading, cooking, painting, emailing, washing, bathing, taking a nap, studying, stretching, feeding, even telephoning to someone with concentrating to radio program. I suppose this is due to the difference of system of sense and recognition of human. How can you miss to appreciate this very effective and interesting media in our busy life?

Second, radio gives us power to pushing the boundaries of our imagination. In your room, office or lounge, with stories and musics from all over the world, the sound makes your space surrounds you much bigger and wider without limitation, because it takes you out of your own field to the arena of new imagination. I'm not saying at all that visual communication is less attractive than audio. It's no less or more. But I think the importance and power of audio communication is underestimated.

And only a real true sight will match the possibility of broadening the inner imagination of human. Within a few decade technology will advance to the state that people cannot recognize the difference of the real sight and virtual reality, but I believe the radio media would keep enjoining us with its unique advantage to attract human sense in this challenging age of change.


439 Frozen

