
330 At the Zoo

Polar bear family; A mother and twin babies


Going to the zoo causes me mixed feelings. Those animals's life in cage and seen by human sounds no fun, but this is also such a valuable place where we can gaze at animals which we never be allowed to go near in nature. Certainly modern zoo keeps improving environment and carefully taking measures to show these animals in as natural ways as possible. Possibly, might it be too soon to judge that animals are only living happy in wild and natural?

I was watching polar bear family swimming and playing for a while, and then happened to see around. I saw lots of human families were watching animals, walking around and playing. For the slipt second I felt humans and animals had not so much differences.      


329 Catwalk

My apartment is some stories high from the ground, but a few years ago I saw a cat suddenly appeared and walked through my balcony. Face to face, the cat and I stopped for a moment, and next second the cat just went out. In fact the tiny slit of the door of the stairs might allow something so flexible as a cat to get through without much trouble, so it was possible to track the way it could come over and yet that was astonishing. It seemed my balcony had nothing amusing to a cat so it never ever happened again, but when I remember the moment I always think of a kind of wonder of wildlife.  


328 Old School

ずいぶん前、「Curly Sue」という米のコメディ映画がありました。その中のワンシーン、洒落たレストランでドレスアップしたハイクラスなお客さん達が食事をしている中、突然誰かの携帯電話が鳴りだし、全員が食事の手を止めて自分の巨大な携帯電話(今から見れば)を取り出し、同時に「Hello?」と呼びかけ、その中の一人が「僕にかかってきた!」と周りに大声で伝える、というものです。




327 Picturesque



326 Mid-Century Modern






325 Rehabilitation

For a couple of weeks I've been feeling uneasy about my smell and taste. In short almost everything smells and tastes really badly. For example I cannot stand using any perfumes nor sniffing other people's perfumes, hair tonics or just any grooming staples. Now they all become a irritating odor. And my sense of taste turned to be very unpleasant, as almost everything I have tastes badly. This is strange because after the injury I partly lost these sense but the remaining part survived healthy and unchanged. I was at a loss.


Doctor says this is a good sign to show my damaged nerve systems start regeneration, because at the beginning they get entangled, mixed up, and send incorrect signal to the brain very often. There's no medicine to cure or lessen the error and all I have to do is to wait for 2-3 months. And if I find something smelling comfortable and agreeable (like the strong mint-like aroma from leaves of Plectranthus amboinicus, above), I should vigorously take the scent as it can further activate the regeneration process. 

So this is the rehabilitation phase. Like all the rehabilitation it accompanies uneasy, sometimes painful feelings, but my huge relief to know the recovery process is going on could make it bearable. 


324 Real Estate

Being in a financial business, there're times you get to know and interested in real estate industry. There were times for me. Once I vaguely thought about joining in the real estate business. This is REAL, and it means not only this is visible. I noticed suddenly that almost all the visible lands and buildings were all real estate properties. Almost everything you see are real estates. You are surrounded by them and you need to live on some lands and places all your life. Architecture, city, society, life, money, ownership--- thus physical reality and flow of financial power are connected in real estate. Whether getting into the business or not, it's amazing.