
253 Up

The other day I was waiting at the crossing for traffic light to change. I looked up the sky as I felt something was moving. So did the other people. Then we saw a balloon floating high in the wind over a busy street. 
Seeing a balloon swimming in the air is one of the moments we suddenly feel like captured by a child's pleasure. Or think about blowing the soap bubbles. Colorful as rainbow, brilliant as marbles, these very fragile tiny balls still give us excitement and fun. Or remember the moment when you see your breath in the cold air. You might perhaps imagine yourself smoking a cigar when you left home for school in a winter morning.
Balloon, bubbles and breath, all flow freely, float up in the air and bring us mysteriously instinctive delight. 


252 Bentley



251 Baseball

The other day I was having dinner with my acquaintance who was working at an insurance company. He said he was playing baseball in high school. I said I would probably understand the rules (there are many sport games that I don't understand the rule). He asked me of my knowledge. I told him, "Well as far as I know, people hit the ball and run around. If he manage to circle around the field, then he can score a point." "Yeah that's true" he said. I asked him which position he played. He answered he was a third-baseman. I said "I always think the catcher is the unique position because only the catcher faces to the spectator and sees everyone, everything going on the field while other players cannot."

He was a bit surprised to hear my comment and started laughing. I didn't get it. I asked "Did I say something wrong?" he said, "No, no, I just feel bit shocked because I've never imagined that the catcher would be seen as such. I was a player myself on the field, and we players have never thought about these things you said, like 'Run, circle around and you'll get point' or 'Only the catcher turns to the audience and sees the field from his unique position'. Now if you put it that way, it's true. And I've never recognized it and it's so funny."

I thought it funny that he felt it that way. Having conversation with many different person makes your way of thinking fresh.


250 Hero

If you are asked of your heroes, whom you admire most for his or her achievements, behavior, attitude, personality and sense of humor, which name you would come up with? Maybe it's Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Muhammad Ali or your parents, could be anyone. I would like to personally name Peter Drucker. There's no specific reason for this--- just because he was a giant of business and management. But besides him I would choose several different great person who had/has nothing to do with my profession. And I suppose most people do the same, that is, respect someone who aren't living in the same world or field. That's simply interesting.


249 Man on a Ledge

先週封切りとなった「Man on a Ledge」はサスペンス&アクションの良作と言えるでしょう。話の中心はNYの高層ビルの窓のひさしに立ちつくし、飛び降りを仄めかす男。その行動の本意と、隣のビルで起こりつつある計画が緊張感を孕んで徐々に明らかになる展開が見事です。ストーリー自体は荒唐無稽なのに、要所要所に強烈なリアリティのあるエンターテインメントです。例えば主人公が、彼を説得にかかる刑事との間で一本の煙草を分け合うシーン。ビルに侵入し、一刻の猶予もない作戦の中でついつい無駄口をたたく共犯者たち。窓辺の男を見上げてヤジを飛ばしたり歓声を上げて見守る群衆。NYの刑事たちも最初はまったく男の身元も分からず、それが時間とともにゆっくりと真実が現れてくるのも説得力があります。冒頭、脱獄シーンの比較的派手なカーチェイスもありがちな超人的テクニックは一切なく、一体どう逃げ切るのか観客がハラハラできるつくりです。


248 Word Bank

These are the words that came across, or ran into my mind out of nowhere for the last 2-3 days.

classic car

They seem to be nonsense altogether but actually I was keeping in my mind the instant I came up with them with sensing that each of them would have many discoveries or key to ideas behind.
However unfortunately today we have little time to philosophize useless things. Yet the words only are as uninspiring as the answer to a crossword puzzle.
So I try something more time-consuming than usual, like reading lengthy detective novels sparing much of holiday afternoon or going to movies. Then I feel I can focus on just one or two things or words, reflect on them and yield something out of it.


247 Landing



246 Giant Tree

A giant tree is probably the only thing that covers you all over and still makes you refreshing.

245 Life in Monocle

Monocle is a magazine. Monocle has its own radio broadcasting. Monocle supplies TV program on Bloomberg. Monocle publishes special issue newspapers twice a year. Monocle produces some collaboration goods. Monocle has retail channels of freestanding shops in several world cities. Monocle manages some  cafes. Monocle has readers and subscribers globally. Monocle is a media mainly focusing on world affairs, people, politics, fashion, design, travelling and branding. It was launched in February 2007. 

One of the noticeable points about Monocle is that it apparently has certain traditional values of how media should work. When you see the monocle.com you'll be surprised to find there is no "Follow us on Facebook/twitter" button, no "alert mail" or no "App for iPad". I'm not sure why but it may be the reason for Monocle's success. It doesn't have interactive communication tools but it offers qualified cover stories, news and editorials. It doesn't expect to be shared in real time but enables us to be informed 24 hours on its radio program. Monocle doesn't especially show statement on it but its consistency is clear.

It's just a matter of taste if you choose magazine or take iPhone, and probably there is no significant reason why Monocle tends to avoid social media tools, but it's reassuring and comfortable to see that one magazine is simply perfect so nothing else is needed to appreciate the quality of journalism. 

244 Metropolis
