
748 Classics

"Tom and Jerry in the Hollywood Bowl" is one of the well known classic works of the two. I liked it when I watched it for the first time and have been one of my favorite cartoon short films. I liked the music, too - though I never knew it was Johann Strauss II's Overtures of "Die Fledermaus", which I first listened to it years and years later, and learned it was the music from one of the masterpieces of operetta. For a moment I was a fan of classical music and listened to it again and again. Years and year later, my music taste has been changed a lot and my iPod playlist is a combination of dance music, chill-out tunes, hip hop and a few good pops, a cycle comes in suddenly and I turn to classical music again. starting with the Overtures of "Die Fledermaus", which is, always marvelous. And it is surprisingly funny that I cannot but help thinking of the last scene of Tom and Jerry Hollywood Bowl film when the music goes to climax, where Tom has to play all the instruments in line with Jerry's conduct. When I listen to the music I should think of the scene from the operetta or the New Year's Concert, but in my funny memory the two wonderful classics seems to be inseparable. 

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