
30 Let it Snow, again

My brother once said to me while he was watching Bladerunner, "Hey, people in the future century still needs umbrellas?" (in this film I remember people actually holding strange umbrella whose handle is a light in the dark night city.)

He meant that "needs umbrella even in the future", and I agreed with him. It might be a cliche but I feel like to saying "Even in the scientific age where mankind goes to the moon?" And yes, something is always unchanged even if people goes to the moon.

Umbrella is one of the things. When we all have tiny mobile tele-communication tools of our own, use our fingerprints as a key, or enjoy 3-D Chiristmas Ghosts coming from the screen to you, we really do not have other way than to open our umbrella just to prevent raindrops like our ancestors centuries ago.

Everytime when it rains or snows (snow is much better, of course) this notion makes me really fun.

29 Storytelling

It is sometimes surprising to me that so many movies are made from novels. Well it is also understandable because we have so many great novels which we hope to see in visual scenary and actors playing the characters.

Sometimes (maybe always) movies are not made from its true original. Original stories are long and beyond visual creation. So movies are different, and it's OK because movies are movies. It's not realistic to sit down in the theatre to see the 20-hours long true verion of the original, even if the film is separated into 10 episodes.

Movies are movies. It has different style of creation from novels.

So why novels are so long?
Because we expect them to explain everything, every details behind the story.

Then what if novels don't explain everything and rely on the reader's imagination?
It is possible, and it is poetry, I think.

Starwars is unique. It started with a story (director Mr George Lucas told that he wrote a myth) but it was created to become a movie full of visual images which was so well-made.
Its story is unique, too. It's not our planet, it's not even our future,

but it's a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... !!

The world of a galaxy far, far away is not explained fully in the 6 episodes (well, actually, 6 episodes are not so short ) and people can freely imagine to fill in the gap of the untold, unexpressed part of the story. It's like a epic, a great poetry so I think it's still mysterious and wonderful.


28 Air force one

"Air Force One" というアクション映画がありました。米国大統領専用機の中で、大統領がテロリストと戦う(文字通り、戦う)、そして勝つ(ハリウッド映画なら、やっぱりこうでなくては)というもの。戦う大統領がかっこよく、わりあい好評を得た映画だったと記憶しています。ちなみに大統領役はハリソン・フォード。テロリストはゲイリー・オールドマン。副大統領役がグレン・クローズ。話の展開も、解決の仕方もすっかり忘れてしまいましたが、この3人は確かに強烈に役にはまっていて、それぞれ良かったです。


限定された空間での緊迫感は、それをうまく捉えれば最高のスリルでしょう。ビルに閉じ込められた「ダイ・ハード」や、潜水艦ものの「レッド・オクトーバーを追え!」など、同時期のアクション映画には好きなものが結構あります。本物のAir Force Oneを見学できたけれど、写真撮影はできなかったという映画製作スタッフが、機内のデザインを記憶して帰ってそれを再現したという話、こういうディテールが映画にパワーを与えるのだと思います。


27 See the light

This week was A Hard Day's Night for me. Sunday I was at office from morning til night, Monday to Wednesday I was working around the clock. Thursday was National Holiday but not for me. I slept very few hours during this whole days. I was hopelessly tired.

Friday I finished my work around midnight and way back to home with very exhausted mind.

Then I saw the light.

It was window illumination of an Italian restaurant. At that moment these little lights cheered me up more than anything. Light is a guradian, a celebration, a symbol of hope, a joy, and it was surely something that I wanted at that time. That made me happy.

But there's one more thing. I appreciate the owner of the Italian restaurant who kept the lights on even after his restaurant is closed. It reminds me of a street in Copenhagen where all the shops illuminate and decorate their windows all through the night.


26 The Sartorialist

Mr Scott Schuman, "the Sartorialist".

久しぶりに写真の本を夢中で読んで(眺めて)います。Scott Schumanというフォトグラファーが「NYの街で、すごくいいと思った人を撮影した("just wanted to take photographs of people that he met on the streets of New York he felt looked great.")」もの。
彼はその「すごくいい人達」をblogに載せていますが、その中でもお気に入りを集めた本が「The Sartorialist」。









the Sartorialist (blog)


25 Zooey

「フラニーとゾーイー」("Franny and Zooey"








24 Linus's blanket

When I was three or four, I always played with a stuffed siam cat.
For a three-year's old child, its height was the same as the child (at least I thought so), and It was not just a stuffed toy. It was a buddy to me rather than a toy.

I was always with the cat when I was at home. I remember I like holding its neck with my arms around it. And I loved its long, black-pointed tail, though the tail was attached to its body with mending tape because someone had plucked the tail from it (I swear I didn't.)

But one day my parents decided to take the cat away from me because it seemed I no longer had interest in broken-tailed dirty siam cat. On the contrary it was my Linus's Blanket. Children are likely to stick to something and I understand that.

Since then I've been thinking that if I am going to have a cat, it definitely will be a siam cat. It will be not a Blanket anymore. I think my Blanket is now music. But anyway isn't it cool to comunicate with such a cool and beautiful creature?

(If you are not familiar with Linus's blanket...see below)
Linus van Pelt / Wikipedia


23 Let It Snow

Every time we have snow in Tokyo, I think it's not the snow I know and I want, but snow is snow. Every time it changes the ordinary sight into unknown world.


22 0 and 1


