
424 Appreciate

I suppose a person does not have habit to thank oneself. Appreciation always comes from other people's objective view. It's the same with me and frankly I rarely, almost never, thank myself. I have never experienced praising myself properly, so when an idea hits me out of nowhere that these self appreciation may not necessarily be silly and vain, I am totally at a loss of words towards me. Which should I tell me "Well-done" or " Good Job", or anything else?

While words don't come up to me, I think of the meaning of self appreciation. After all it's already in the word "appreciate"---to recognize the real value of something, and be thankful to it. To appreciate myself I should try first to know me better and get to like myself. It's not that senseless.


423 Breakfast to Breakthrough

I don't hesitate to say I'm a strong believer and enthusiast for morning. What's more, I'm a believer and enthusiast for breakfast. All I need is a fine cup of coffee, vegetable and fruits, hot egg, and bread or cereal. Morning aura with these simple but rich food gives me idea, courage, relief, sharp mind and clear decision. If I can enjoy morning time for a whole 24 hours of a day (let's ignore the scientific fact of earth rotation for a moment), could I be happier than ever? I don't know (but I don't deny the possibility, unless there's no delight of watching starlight in the night sky). 

Even those who are not such a huge fan of morning like me should find the irreplaceable, unmatched  powerful effect of it. Of course I also like evening and nighttime and I believe they have their own power to drive people but only morning can do those things combined; set people's mind and behavior, renew, and then release them.  

422 Magic Hour / Blue Moment

At dusk, at the limited time between daylight and evening sky we sometimes see the golden Magic Hour or the Blue Moment. Those marvelous nature are always so fascinating that I cannot help taking photo and bask in the beauty. 

But the magic hour appears even in the rainy morning looking at the empty terrace surrounded by fresh green trees. I don't have words to describe how this is magical but just photograph and feel them with the same enthusiasm as the orthodox moments.

421 Perfection

As one of professional workers / living citizens I sometimes find myself trying to pursue perfection in almost every aspect of life. The quality of documents I make on job, the balance of my outfit which should be (hopefully) stylish and comfortable, the ability to use 24 hours a day as managed as possible, the maintenance of my house to be kept hygienic and clean, the care of physical and metal health with stretching and training, efforts to obtain and master knowledge and wisdom from reading, and so on. 

In fact simply I cannot be perfect but just keep always trying to getting close to that state. Nor I'm not sure if "trying to get close to the perfect" itself is at least significant. I don't know if it's like filling a glass full until the edge of it with pouring water, or getting rid of useless moves to find out the core, ultimate essence like martial arts. Maybe it's best to know your own way to act, judge, and do something in a manner that the unconscious "best of yourself" would pilot you. 


420 Prunus




419 Comme Un Chef

軽妙なコメディ、というジャンルがありますが、ときにコメディの真価は過小評価されているのではないかと思います。Jean Renoが三ツ星レストランのシェフを演じた映画"Comme Un Chef"はまさに軽妙なコメディで、軽快でテンポよく、全編に渡りコミカルで、くだらないギャグも交えつつ、最後は敵の鼻を明かし、恋が実り、愉快な大団円に落ち着くあたり、おそらく作った方も典型的なコメディ以上の深みは追求していないのではないか、と書いたとしても文句は出ないでしょう。




418 If I Were

Has anybody been mistaken for someone else? Surely everyone has. But can it happen on Twitter? The other day I found that my twitter name was quoted by someone whom I never knew. Judging from the tweet the person seems to run a coffee beans shop, and he/she wished to take lunch at a cafe (of my name) where the owner (me) bought the coffee beans to serve.

Actually there's interesting coincidence. In my neighbor there IS a coffee beans shop, and also my friend has opened a small bistro near in the town. The chef uses the shop's beans. Funny enough!

To a stranger who mistakenly tweeted above; Sorry I couldn't offer you a lunch at my place the other day, but thank you for making me imagine for a moment myself as a cafe owner, one of my dream avocations.

417 From Brazil

Nothing makes me most appreciate this intelligent age of technology than free and easy communication between the place far far away, not to say galaxy far, far away.

Last evening I had a little chat with my friend in Brazil. My place was covered with a dark chilly night and Rio was in summer heat. We haven't met three years but the flight of time soon gave way to old friends' funny talk. Finally he wrapped up the dialogue with a remake "Give the choice to the destiny." 

He meant nothing serious nor suggestive by this, but I was impressed, not because of this saying but the fact now we could connect and communicate so freely that such a casual remark, or an idea of impulse of a moment was able to reach in a second, across the distance. 


416 Tips of the Iceberg


People say "Try to find other person's virtue" but as we are not much of a saint we're free to think other person as disagreeable. However, the most important and interesting thing is whatever you feel as disagreeable on the surface, it's not everything, or it may not represent all. It's no use of rushing to conclusion by the sight of the tips of the iceberg. Nevertheless, you don't even have to try to find hidden agreeable things. The essentials here is that what you see is not the everything. It's the same when you judge yourself as well as others. We see ourselves but that doesn't mean everything we are. "Tips of the Iceberg"  reminds us to be generous to others, and be confident of ourselves, doesn't it?


415 Tidy Mess

Friends says to me I'm very good at growing plants. I appreciate it, but all I do is just let them grow, or let the sunlight and water grow them. What I do is just thankfully have joy from it. Seriously there's almost nothing I can do for them, while I have plenty of things they bestow on me.

One reason why I love these plants is they create such a wonderful work of art of natural design. I put tiny palor palm, couple of ivies, rosemary, little conifer, monstera and aromatics. There's no order or rules. Totally a mess. But the great thing is they look superb and very pleasant to eyes both when seen as individual and as combined (in a mess). I always admire it and think nature did a wonderful job to give them greatest formative design.  


414 Brothers and Sisters

Jane Austenの6作品のうち5作を読み終え(何度も読み返し)ました。多くの文芸論が示す通り、英国のカントリー・ソサエティに暮らす若い女性が幸せな結婚を見出すまでのお語、という箱庭のような小さな世界のいったいどこに、読者が夢中になって頁を繰ってしまうような魅力があるのか、それ自体興味深い謎ではあるものの、ひとつにはやはり徹底した理知的な文章の魅力が挙げられるでしょう。小説のテーマこそ恋愛や若者のドタバタを取り上げながら、作者の視線と筆力は驚くほど徹底して冷静で理性的、練られた言葉は鋭くロジカルで、感情や感傷に委ねて書いたような形跡はどこにも見当たりません。感情を分析する文章は繊細でありながら呆れるほどドライで科学的といってもよいくらいで、恋愛小説というより恋愛の博物誌、哲学、あるいはジャーナルとでも表現した方が相応しいようです。

これもよく知られている通り主人公には例外なく姉妹がおり、作中の姉や妹との会話がドラマの軸になりますが、初期のSense and Sensibility、Pride and Prejudiceの2作品はその傾向が強く、後年のEmmaやPersuasionでは姉妹関係はそれほど重要なファクターではなくなってきます。作者自身の姉との親しい関係が、作中の人物達の絆や葛藤に反映されているそうです。一方、主人公の兄弟関係はあまり多く描かれません。これは、兄弟が居ないために家の財産を継承できない姉妹、という経済的困窮の背景を描く上で設定上避けられないということの他にも、限られた社交世界の中で主人公の伴侶となる紳士の人物像を出来るだけ引き立てるためにも、兄や弟という他の男性的要素を排したということもあるかもしれません(もっとも主人公以外の人物設定には兄弟やら従兄弟が常に配されていますが)。

その例外はMansfield Parkの主人公Fannyであり、彼女には海軍に勤務する兄の他にも大勢の弟妹がおり、兄は登場は少ないながら主人公のソウルメイトにも似たごく親しい、気の置けない重要な存在として描かれているのは異例といってよいでしょう。ただし彼女の場合は子沢山の実家を幼い頃に離れて伯父の家人となり、これまた大勢の従兄弟姉妹と育ってきたという複雑な家庭環境であり、またその点で、家族構成が割合にシンプルな他の作品と比べてより小説的な、技巧的な物語の背景を生み出しているように思えます。



413 Spring Sleeper


I know my post update has been delayed these days, but I'm not sleeping in spring warm dawn, nor being somewhere for diversion. Here I'm writing my post after an intermission and just surprised to find this little blog I started casually without any foreknowledge has become somehow a place like a gate, like an airport where I could take off anytime I long for travel.  


412 Non-smoker's Playful Smoke

One morning I heard a brilliant idea told on radio. The entrepreneur made a decent platform for workers to take a break playing soap bubbles. It's no joke. It's not just a novel pastime, but made for a social gathering for non-smokers because they never be able to (nor be willing to) join in the classic social meeting place of "smoker's area". 

As far as I know smokers are tend to talk more friendly and more relaxed among their fellows. That's no wonder; anyway cigarettes are for relaxing. But not for me, and for approximately billions of people worldwide. I don't think it's unfair but I'm quite interested in this strange idea of alternative smoke.

Seriously isn't it wonderful if you can just walk out of your office and refresh yourself with this easiest, most primitive yet playful moment? Sometimes we do need child's leisure. Soap bubbles, hopscotch, doodling, word game, building blocks or Legos. Anything recommended to children as "sources of creativity or inspiration" should be, must be appropriate for adults. 

So anybody can invent a cool and chic business style of blowing innocent soap bubbles that could outdo traditional smoker's way?


411 Walk on Snow

It certainly needs some experience to walk on snow without slipping and falling. It's something I used to learn and master by the time I was 5 years old or so. And maybe it's already out of the season, but I'd like to show the mechanics and some tips here;

-The mechanism is simple. When on snow, you definitely should avoid shifting weight back and forth or side to side.
-Be careful to weigh on foot evenly from toe to heel whether you're wearing snow boots or high heel. Place the pressure of your weight steady and evenly.
-Always place your foot truly vertically on the ground.
-Never try to walk on tiptoe.
-When you have to walk on icy ground covered with snow, which is the most  slippery surface of all, you should try deliberately to let your foot slide. Don't think it's walking, it's like ice-skating. The reason why this risky way sometimes (not always, unfortunately) works is that your foot will stop somewhere eventually, where you find (without knowing it) a perfect balance between your shifting weight and ice. 

-And always concentrate your move, pay attention to the path. Sometimes it's a great training to your muscle as well as the ability to control your body balance.