
616 February 29th, 2016

Today, 29th Monday, February 2016 is well known to be the 366th day added to match the calendar cycle to astronomic cycle of the earth. A research says that if there had not been this adjustment, today should have been 15th July, 2017. Sometimes it is a bit reassuring to know the rules and system of our society are not that perfect and we need to adjust it, because if something is not perfect it will be able to be improved. Today is no holiday for most of the workers around the world, but I take my own holiday and I'm enjoying it tracking the social networks showing the beautiful people and the latest news of Academy Awards 2016, in the middle of terribly busy-and-difficult project I'm working on. 

(I sense this is just not the year for celebrating SF movies including The Martian and The Force Awakens, which I liked much among the nominees.)

615 Attention

People needs to be paid proper attention. That's no doubt the principle which drives human thoughts and behavior. It works in school, job, family, between your friends, brothers and sisters, colleagues and boss, and of course your love interests. The complicated thing is the definition of "proper" sometimes causes misunderstanding and trouble. But don't give up because you can communicate. Sometimes you can stand up and claim for proper attention which you think you well deserve. You can ignore and reject improper attention that you never wish to accept, and say "it's none of your business". And as well,  you should think from time to time if you pay proper and enough attention to the people around you who needs your attention.

614 The Martian

And this time I try to write a movie review in other language. Somehow, English makes me write faster. "The Martian" is about a comedy-SF-drama which praises the courage, intelligence and most of all the power of humor. That makes me like this movie very much. Even though we don't live alone on mars with limited food and air and water, while you only have solitude and terror of being crashed at any moment, we spend our own terrible moments in our lives and the key of how you can survive it is essentially the same thing that was described in the movie. But allow me to skip these important themes as tons of great reviews referring to it are already on. Personally the movie reminded me of my primitive idea of what kind of architecture the human would be able to live in space in the further, which I was thinking (seriously) when I studied architecture in university. My trivial idea resulted in nothing, but watching the movie I remembered it and thought what was missing in my view at that time. In mars you're surrounded by nothing but a red dry desert. In spaceship you're surrounded by darkness of night. You have to live in those environment.   Then how architecture, engineering and design can light up it and make people comfortable and cheerful regardless of the environment? I think the key is a sense of humor.


613 "Actually…"

Why people talk their confidential story to me? Not only to me of course, but I often find myself being told such stories that goes like this "Actually, I am…", even though I never ask them and never feel inclined to do. It's surprising to me. Once I asked one of my friends, "it's always welcome, but why you feel like talking to me your secret story?" and the answer was whichever it's true or not, "you are reliable." Can I just accept the fact that luckily I am regarded as such person and should be proud of what I am? I've been wondering if there is any other strong reason that people talk their secrets to someone you trust. Sense of alliance? Or it's a way to find solution and peace of mind? That's one of the questions I have for a long time.


612 Paddington



611 Photo talks

I've been extremely busy being tied up to a job and having little time for updating my blog. I know this is the least attractive starting phrase in your blog, but I mean almost only the restful time I can took for this couple of weeks is described in this photo. I understand why so many people rely on Facebook and Instagram or Twitter, rather than blogging. Sometimes the feeling is beyond the words and a visual impression is all about. I think this is the case.