
130 All Star

初めて履いたコンバースのALL STARは、申し分なく爽やかなスカイブルーでした。家族の誰かの持ち物だったようで子供の足にはちょっと大きすぎましたが、見つけたとたん一目で気に入り、嬉々として毎日履くようになりました。日常の全てにおいて反抗的、もしくは反骨的な意思表示を行う機会を待ちかまえている年頃にとって、行儀よく革靴を履くクラスメートを尻目にスカイブルーのコンバースで学校に通うのは、それだけでロックスターになったような気分でした。


それから何代ものALL STARを履きつぶしてきたのですが、反骨精神を持たなくてもよいとされる世代になってからはほとんど白のスニーカーでした。靴の色が人生の一大事だった頃の気分に戻ることはないとしても、春到来を祝うためならブルーのスニーカーをまた履いてみたい、と思っています。


129 How Green Is My Valley






128 Liberation

One day during a long conversation (over some wine) I found a new paradoxical truth;

"To be true to yourself, is to be free from yourself"

I don't dare to explain this as I'm not even sure if this makes sense in the first place. It's a whimsy remark from a slightly intoxicated mind. But one thing caught my attention.

Not "Free Yourself"---well that's wonderful in its own way---but, "Free FROM Yourself".

The words flashed onto me because it would fit me. Then from what exactly I gotta be free? I don't know. But it reminds me of a definition of "Time";

"To see the present, is to be free from the past or the future"---a riddle in the immortal masterpiece "MOMO" by Michale Ende.


127 Magical Mystery Tour

So Spring comes here.

After the quake my sense of time has changed. I don't care what date is the day but I count time like "1 week after the quake", "10 days after", "3 weeks after the day". This makes me really tired because in this way time passes desparately slow. Day is long, week is sadly long, and month is hopelessly long.

But suddenly I see the change of the season. Suddenly flowers of all colors jump out from the quiet ground or from the dark solid branch. Now bunch of flowers are spreading themselves and pushing each other loudly. Amazing. Only a few weeks ago we were freezing and gasping in a wintery wind. 

Always a break of a new season is a time of change, but nothing is so gorgeous and ambitious like spring openings. It's a magical mystery how you wake up in one morning to see this feast of colors starts. It's a triumph only seen in spring time.  


126 Officyclopedia

Henri Cartier-Bresson, McCann-Erickson Agency, Madison Avenue, New York, 1959








125 Albert Einstein
















124 Raga Hemant

Talking about music, I have another discovery that is worth tellng. Every time I post my writings, it's either the things I know or I feel. But this time I'm talking about the thing I've never known.

Couple of days ago I discoverd an Indian classic music "Raga Hemant". All the information I got was the title which means "late autumn(when days are most comfortable in India)" and that it's played by the Indian instrument Sarod and Tabla. 

I never knew them of course. But the music is so beautifully exotic and has a subtle and magnetic allure. First it reminds me of the sound which we might hear in the yoga class or oriental spa, but it's beyond them. With limited knowledge I can only sense that this has a fine structure and sophistication.

I search for more information as well as the words to describe it. Always my curiosity and imagination drive me to a brand-new quest like this. It's a joyful time. However this is tough. I don't think I can get a grip of the theory of Indian classical music, its instruments and the musicians. I don't even try it within only a few hours of Sunday afternoon.

So I'm talking about it but I don't finish the story. The thing I would tell is that I was so fascinated with the music and the fragmentary knowledge that I hope to share.

-Sarod is a string instrument meaning "beautiful sound" in Persian
-"Raga" means "color, beauty, melody" in Sansklit; it is one of melodic modes in Indian classical music
-"Raga Hemant" was composed by a legendary musician Allauddin Khan(photo)

and there is an amazing link between this new quest and my familiar tunes. Khan's student and renowned musician, Ravi Shankar (again I hardly know about these musicians), is the father of Nora Jones!

123 Dream Team

3rd April, Tonight in Brixton, London; "Richard Ashcroft, Beady Eye, The Coral, Graham Coxon, Primal Scream and Paul Weller come together to help those who have been affected by the recent earthquakes and subsequent tsunami in Japan."

Many UK and US musicians and bands appreciate warm welcome and passion for diverse pop music of Japanese audience. So is Mr. Liam Gallagher, who is a great singer but once famous for his real bad-guy rockstar style always drinking and fighting, stands up to gather most brilliant artists to give aid for a country where he enjoyed gigs. 

It's an incredible team to those who grew up in the golden age of UK modern rock. To those who have no idea about UK rock, I'd like just to put it in this way, simply it's like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on the same stage.

This is just one of the many worldwide activities going on. But personally this is like a helping call from old friends.

122 Lunchtime


