
21 Letter of thanks

1st, Sincere gratitude to Nike of Samothrace, for leading us to the latest victory (we've got the admission to invest!) that I've prayed few weeks ago here in my blog.

2nd, Sincere gratitude to readers of this little blog for encouraging me, and to my own unusual energy to continue 20 articles in a month.


from a reindeer flying without Santa Claus

20 Full moon

On 30th January 2010, full moon appeared.

I didn't have any special feeling about it. Full moon, new moon, meteor stream, Halley's comet, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, don't stir my interest much. I just like to look up the sky, especially when sun rises.

Night sky's attractive, that's true, but I can only see the Great Bear and Orion, Mars and Venus at most.

So I looked at the full moon nonchalantly, listening to the iPod. And suddenly I thought of animals like cats looking at the moon. Or wolves. I thought that they might also listen to the music that only they can hear, looking at the moon without any reason. That's their way of party. I felt myself as if I were able to sense like wild animals.

Nature is always very close to us, far closer than we expect, isn't it?


19 Sunset

A rock band called "Polypropylene" is now on the amateur-band battle for the debut at a major record. One of the members is my classmate in junior high, and I certainly decided to start my little campaign to support them.

Just access to the following site (mobile only, iphone are not accesible, sorry!) and download their song "Sunset", and it will add one vote for them!

For readers of this blog I already sent my notice of this campaign, but it is worth telling you again here, because

サンセット by ポリプロピレン



their music and tastes are actually good, or I sense it's good.

Lyrics are litltle too sweet and naive for me, but they have a certain feelings that I can easily share with. Maybe that's the air (I don't think of any other expression) of icy , purely clear sky of our hometown.

Here's the site for the vote


18 Wall Street Sign








Wall Streetは通りなのですから、ためこむところではなく、通すところになればよいなと思うのです。

17 Green Day

(thousands of confetti with skull image printed on)

Today I was in an arena live of Green Day, on their "21st Century Breakdown Tour."
Fabulous, magical, superb, or any word you could imagine when you are kid and having somthing really exciting moment, and at the same time, they're so mature and cool.

This is the only band which I have been listening since I was a teenager, and which I can still join in the live to shout, scream, sing along, jump to the feet, swing a light pen over my head like a fool to tell how I adore their talents and attitudes.

When they started thier career on the major records, I was high school kid and everyday I watched them playing on MTV when I got home from school. I liked their straightforward lightness in the dirty sense of humor.

They are grown up, so am I. They are grown up to be a Grammy Awarded artists and one of the most respectable rock'n roll figure in the world, of course I am not. Still, I feel like they're my dear fellows.

Now they're truelly glorious figure. I never know such guys who can play such wonderful rock tunes which attract even 4-year child, while attacking politics, injustice or distortion over the society. But not only that. This time I have re-discoverd how they are becoming really artistic figures.

The backscreen on the stage kept me surprised and excited. Starting from shining NY scyscrapers, it changed every each song and they're all fine art works. I'm sorry if these head-banging kids on the front row have missed the artistic view.

So, in the middle of moshing, at one moment I was reminded of my teenage adorenalin, feeling thrill with joy, and at another I was admiring their wonderful staging with cool, analytical senses.

"When I come around", "Longview" and "Basket Case", these songs really could WAKE ME UP. "Wake me up when September ends" made me almost crying because I remember a friend who passed away in last September. "Static Age" really kicked me up in a very good sense. "King for a Day" made me happier than ever.

One light, one mind Flashing in the dark

Blinded by silence of a thousand broken hearts

"For crying out loud" she screamed unto me

A free for all

F**k èm all "you are your own sight"


Seriously, how far could they expand their talents? What kind of faith could drive them so far? But how far they go, I hope I will be coming up to them, walking alongside with them.

(I'll see you, Billie!)


16 Post It




でもまれに、窓の外や壁の模様やスタッフを眺めているだけで、他になにも要らずに過ごせるひと時があります。このときは音楽があまりにも良く、心地よかったので、帰りに「今かかっている曲を教えてもらえますか?」と聞いてみました。そうして書いてもらったのがこのPost itです。

Ready 2 wear / PC synergy


最近は、こういうところで音楽と出会うことが楽しくなってきました。レコード屋さんで試聴機に居座るのも好きですが、「これかっこいいですよね」とPost it を書いてくれる人は、レコード屋さんではなかなか出会えません。

15 Planet quakes, but

Dear Friends who are kindly seeing this page,

We never be able to stop the planet quake.
But we can donate to the Republic of Haiti.

Please join and support their act if possibe;



14 Remember the "Good People"



1. Craig Riceがシカゴを舞台に著したスクリューボールコメディ・推理小説「弁護士マローンと、ジェイクとヘレン」のシリーズが大好き
2. シカゴ・トリビューンの名コラムニスト、Mike Roykoのコラムが大好き
3. シカゴで活躍したモダニズムのマイスター、Mies van der Roheの建築Lake Shore Drive Apartmentが大好き

4. バスケットボールが好きだった頃、 シカゴ・ブルズのMichael "Air" Jordanを尊敬していた
5. 海外ドラマが好きだった頃、シカゴを舞台にした「元祖」医療ドラマ「ER」にはまっていた(最初の数シーズンは)

影響の大きかった順に並べてみました。並べてみたところ、有名なものの順とちょうど逆になりました。Craig Riceについてのサイトは120万件あるのに対して、ERのサイトはざっと6億件(google)。面白いものです。

ある街を舞台にした小説をとことん読むと、その街の地名が勝手なイメージとともに記憶に残ります。Grant Park、Lake Shore Drive、Madison St.、State St.、Van Buren St.、どんな場所なのか見たこともないのに、シカゴは、住んでいた街のように親しみを感じます。


Where'd all the good people go?
I've been changing channels I don't see them on the TV shows
Where'd all the good people go?

("Good People" by Jack Johnson, 2005)


"I prefer the Business class to the First class because you can meet and talk with passengers during the fligth in the Business seat. First class is lonely."

"If you ask Americans of their business experience, you must ask their failures, their mistakes and what they've got to know from the experience. Americans never hesitate to talk about their failures."

I thought he was truely a man of wisdom.
In Memory of Mr. J.M.


13 Professor!

("Professor Snape! Look at me!")

A scene from famous Harry Potter movie (no need to explain, I suppose.) Actually I like these works but here is not critics for cinema.

"Uniform is designed to go well with anybody."

It's not a common saying or a witty remark of somebody famous, it's just my mom's saying. But if it's true, uniforms are the ultimete design. While clothings are usually designed to be unique and personal, uniforms are designed to be universal. To be universal is more difficult and more generous than to be unique. Generous because it doesn't choose people who wears it and it will fit to everybody.

I think uniforms are complicated. It will remove personality of people by hiding them in a only one form. But at the same time it will give them a unique and strong character of the organization or community to which they belong. Given this firm foundation of appearance, they can appeal their original personality which I think will eventually overcome the uniform. So when seeing a number of people wearing one certain uniform, there should be a unity but not anonymity.

"Sometimes uniforms of workers look so chic than costumes of upper-classes", words by Mr. Onozuka, designer of Zucca (as far as my memory is correct.)

I think it's true when seeing people in uniforms like firefighter, ice-hockey player, porter, conducter, and students in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

(digression; I remember Hermione was trying to cure her front teeth by magic, but why not Harry think of treating his shortsightedness?)


12 Build to provide the atmosphere










11 Early Morning Cafe

At one holiday evening I was talking to my friend A over starbucks coffee, who always understands me a lot and listens to my non-sense talkings, and as always, one notion hit me inspired by the conversation with her.

One of my non-sense ambitions is to make an Early Morning Cafe (or Diner). For some reasons the image of the shop was created vividly in my mind since I was in a childhood. One specific image is no doubt the "Nighthawks" by Edward Hopper (see above). Clean, quiet and also awfully lonely scenary of the Manhattan restaurant have been capturing me so long.

Another image might be a diner appeared in Dick Tracy movie, which I am not sure about details but remember well the bright floor light and the contrast of Dick Tracy's yellow trench coat and brilliant red seats.

The strong light and color in the middle of the night or in the dawn is something like the guardian on the street, like the lighthouse in the seashore, like the control tower in the airport.


10 Music education

Tom & Jerryのシリーズに「音楽編」というDVDがあります。おおげさでドタバタで暴力的でほほえましい猫とネズミの張り合いが、クラシックの名曲をパロディにしているのですが、これは最高。おなじみ、トムが車の下敷きになって「ぺしゃんこトム形シール」みたいになったり、ジェリーの棲む部屋の上でジャンプしまくって部屋を崩壊させたり、爽快な馬鹿騒ぎとギャグはいつも通り。その上、観ているだけでヨハン・シュトラウスⅡ世の「こうもり」序曲を楽しめるのです。ブロックバスター映画さながらの破壊的な映像と、名演奏。本当に良く出来たDVDで、子供から大人まで、音楽教育にはうってつけです。


09 PRADA Birds 

Photo images from PRADA's campaign a few years ago. This time the theme I remember was "the bird." Well-refined and chic, but also fresh, free and unique.
These are my all-time best fashion photos and admire most.

First of all I like fashion very much. I do read fashion magazine and love to see the fashion websites. I confess that Kate Moss had been my inspiration for a long time when I was a child. But I never was interested in or addictied to a fashion indusrty or business.

I've been feeling sort of something is wrong about fashion. Alright, it might be caused by my lack of knowledge or understanding, of course, but how do you think, when you take a look at a latest issue of fashion magazine, how could the "mode" change so quickly, every 30 days?

I do not intend to deny the tide of trends. Instead, I would like to know the creation and ideas of the designers, just want to know their talent and techneques in design, tailoring, textile, pattern, concept, and thier ways of making life happier by wearing nice clothings. Every time I see so many beautiful photos of clothings and start wondering why they are so enchanting, then the next issue will come with the brand-new style. Everything is so quick and superficial.

Isn't it odd, that one month they say that fairy-tale look become popular, and next month the military movements rule the world? I think that behind the styles and trends there are numerous challenges and marvelous ideas of the designers (I don't say that "all the designers", though), but we never know them. I would like to know the true story and details of their creation.
I see some differences in fashion from other creation. For example we can listen to the music that hits the billborad chart, or anything we like, however queer, melancholy, too pop, too punk, too naive, or too radical the sound may be. Also we can try any movie we like to, or try eat and drink anything we want. If you don't like it eventually, that doesn't mean much. But the fashion, or clothings, when we wear them, they become part of us and tell clearly what you are like and what kind of personality you have. Naturally we are to be cautious and selective about clothings and styles and rarely pick up a fashion trend which some designers say it's gorgeous but it doesn't fit your sense. We don't want trial and error in wearings (except for crazy Halloween costumes.)
So far, as a non-fashion-addicted person I always wear my favorite clothings and shoes. I must admit there are almost no trends in my appearances. I believe that standard, classic, orthodox and simple styles are for ever great and beautiful. But I also believe in the power and joy of fashions (that's why I can enjoy Grunge look and don't stop checking Cameron Diaz on red carpets).


08 Endless Existence

Blogに同じ話題は載せまいと思っていましたが、観るたびに何度でも心揺さぶられ、驚き、語りつくせないThis is it。もう一度書きます。



「完璧で、アイディアに満ちて、最高。まさにKing of Pop。でもフレンドリーで謙虚だ」


写真はCDのブックレットですが、やはりこのSmooth Criminalの立ち姿は一番かっこいい。白いフェドーラ帽に白いスーツ、ブルーの腕章。これらが何を意味するiconなのかは知りませんが、最高に似合っています。揺るぎない存在感と美意識があります。


07 Audi

Early summer in 2008, I was travelling around my hometown. I happend to meet a photographer shooting 2 smart Audi automobiles for calender pix.

It was sunny, shiny day and I took this graphical snapshot. Blue sky, green grass, evergreen trees, navy and white Audi. Simple, natural and luxury elements. I was impressed by the photographer also, who did his job silently, with much concentration and confidence, without any compromise.

I never talked to him, I don't know his name, but hope to see his works. (So anybody who have seen this Audi's calender picture please let me know the photographer!)

I think I was so lucky to witness to the sight of professional photo-shooting, especially in one of my favorite places, designed by great Isamu Noguchi.


06 Stand By Me



May the Nike stand by me with her wings wide open and with her strong wind, and my dear fellow workers win the victory tomorrow.

This beautiful picture is from Wikipedia, searced by the word "Nike."

05 Wish List


And here is sort of the most selfish article because I'm going to talk about my wish list.

I want this blackboard, designed by RAUMGESTALT.
(Oh, why not wish this kind of things on last christmas?)

Imagine that you can freely write graffiti or pictures, leave messages to yourself, fill in with words that inspire and cheer you up, I think it sounds fun.

One of my favorites film "School of Rock" features fantastic use of blackboard. Kids were told to study "Rock History" and "Rock Appreciation and Theory" as a required subjects. One day, suddenly a great map of hisotrical interrelation of each Rock'n Roll legends appeared on the large blackboard at their school room.

I wish I would have such a free imagination and humour, always.


04 To: R

Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you where to go
So make the best of this test
And don't ask why
It's not a question
But a lesson I learned in time

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life

lyrics from Green Day "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" 1997

(thanks for Billie Joe Armstrong, this greatest punk-rocker-philosopher)




Does this photo tell you anything?

One: Brilliant sunlight that makes green colour of the trees so vivid, and at the same time makes everything somewhat colourless because its light-and-shadow effect on them is so strong.

Two: The window-frame seems to be 20cm-thick and massive, supposedly made of steel.

Bright sunlight and thick windows, are the things seen in my northern hometown (situated at lat. 43° N). And the city has so many Starbucks on almost every corner of its main street.

well, I was going to write about Starbucks first but the theme comes at the end for no reason. So, the title of this article is...


02 "Man In The Mirror"

Reasons to see MJ's This Is It, this fantastic work of art are plenty. Danse? yes absolutly, songs? of course that's miraculous, and especially those moments are impressive;
Jackson 5 の"I Want You Back"のステージの直後、


"Smooth Criminal"の始まりで、後ろを向いていてはバックの映像の切り替わりが分からないのでは、と聞かれて

"The Way You Make Me Feel"のリハーサル中

MJの曲は新解釈も、新しいリミックスも不要のようです。ThrillerやBillie Jean、Black or Whiteを今聞いても、サウンドも歌声もバランスもひたすらに完璧であり、究極であり、迷いがありません。20-30年以上前だというのに。古さも流行も関係ないということは、時代の空気を切り取ったり反映するどころではない、本物のcreationがこれだということでしょう。MJが言うように、20-30年前に彼が発表したオリジナルのサウンドを忠実に再現し続けることが最高峰のパフォーマンスになるのです。


01 Good morning 2010!

the Sun!Good morning at a starting moment in chilly winter day, 1st January 2010.