
457 Bone to Be

Dinosaurs can attract us standing with only their bones. Humans never can do the same (it might be just scary) but bone should be naturally attractive. It's a tough structure. It's an ultimate base of body. It's an essential ground. I don't know exactly what part of our body actually moves and support us, but we do know so many complicatedly but beautifully designed bones make it possible for us to just stand, walk, live a simple life. I cannot help thinking how this fact is marvelous and how bones are splendid work.  


456 Feast

I simply like hiphop and rap music not because I do street dancing. In fact the coolness of old school hiphop enthralled me when I was a kid before 10 years old. It's pretty nice to grow up in a family who like music. My mother loves classics and chanson, mu father jazz, and my brother was really into rock'n roll and pops. No doubt I got totally addicted to MTV in schooldays and now I feel happy just to touch and enjoy so many kinds of music from Think Twice, MJ, Avril Lavigne, Elvis Costello, Marcos Valle, Green Day, to Anna Karina and Disney's "Let It Go".

But especially I sometimes get attracted by hiphop and rap music in a way that is beyond music. There exists beats and rhymes, flow and hook, rhythm and words. They are rough but intelligent, low-keyed but inspiring, simple but stirring. I cannot help thinking they must have their origin in ancient feast or battle, in drums and prayer. These beats and voices are attractive maybe because the they has been bound up with our heartbeat and heartstrings that never changed in human.  


455 The Shortest Diary

If you are asked to write a shortest dairy in the world, what do you note? If you put your whole day into a sentence, or a few words, how do you choose the phrase which represents your day? Sometimes I wish my blog becomes such a thing with a flash of the essence of the day. But I'm not that a literary master. I only think of "I live a day." or perhaps something that had a strong impact in my memory during the day, like "I found my coffee pretty bitter." These trial makes no sense. But I believe that writing a sentence as lean as possible might lead to a practice of sophisticated writing (I hope), and also it's kind of a funny game worth playing once in a while.  


454 Tell Me What You Eat

You might be overwhelmed with business, household, entertainment, or social networking. You eat but at the same time you may read a newspaper, talking to a mobile, watch movies or most likely slide touch-screens. So do I. We have tiresomely so much things to do. But once in a while you can just shut everything out and face to the dishes and foods you are going to eat. Look at them before you eat. Nothing? Take a good look at them like you taste them. You will see the structure of fruits and vegetables has its own geometrical, functional beauty. You will note that cookery is a pure hybrid of science and art, made by dozens of raw materials including every tiny seasonings, cooking oil, and salt & pepper. With this kind of ideas in you, you will never get tired of looking at foods and may well describe what you eat.    


453 Le Concert

2009年のフランス映画「Le Concert」はコメディなのかドラマなのか、にわかには評価できない面白い作品です。筋立てはロシアで暮らすかつてのマエストロ(指揮者)が、ひょんなことから仲間を集めてボリショイ交響楽団になりすまし、パリの劇場で公演を企むというもの。と聞くといかにも「あの手この手のだまし合い」や「なぜかうまくいかない珍道中」といったドタバタ系を期待させるのですが、話はそう単純ではなく、笑いはふんだんに盛り込まれながらも、それはどれもどこかナンセンスでオフビートな笑い。何しろいきなり銃撃戦に巻き込まれたり、パスポートを偽造してみたり、首尾よくパリに着いたとたんに飲んだくれて行方不明になったり、街角でバイトをしてみたり。こういう映画では「ダメな楽団員がいろいろな試練を経てうまくなる」というストーリーが定説ですが、この映画に限っては「(推定)超一流の楽団員が一度も練習もせず、試練もないまま最後のぎりぎりまでダメなさまを見せ続けるが、あることを引き金に最高の演奏を始める」というもの。



452 Beautiful Business

Well-skilled, lean and proper work makes you satisfied and comfortable. You might see it in barista making cafes as well as quickly handling customer's orders. These simple but splendid works seen in every services and products makes you happier. The way they work is beautiful. 

Sometimes I think business style and customs should learn from this skill of artisans. Because simply, it is the professionalism.


451 De Marathon

話題のオランダ映画「Die Marathon」は、経営が傾きかけた自動車修理工場の資金獲得のため、普段遊んでばかりいる社員達がロッテルダムマラソンに出場して広告主を募るーというお話です。42.195Kmを走るのは、ビールにタバコにジャンクフードが手放せない、貫禄の体型の中年男性4人組。それも一念発起してマラソンを始めるというより、最初は「どうせ走るだけだろ」とふざけ半分。もちろんそんなことでマラソンを完走できるはずもなく、地道に厳しいトレーニングを続け、ブツクサ言いながらも徐々に走りが熱意を帯びてくるとともに身体が絞られてくる様子は痛快です。



450 Keep Calm and Study Martial Arts

The once and only experience I learned a martial arts was Aikido lesson in the university. It was among many courses in liberal arts (which is interesting as the definition of "liberal" includes "martial").  The essence of its fighting way was so unique. Basically it's not about a form (though we learned a bit), nor a power, a battle, even victory or defeat. It's more like a spontaneous and unconscious flow. I never reached the depth of the way, but the impression was huge. 

Later I happened to learn a few things about the way of ancient martial arts. It seems difficult to understand as it contains many metaphysical wisdom but only thing I was interested in and still remember is the following; 

"Do not try to forecast which side, right or left, the enemy will take to attack you. It's no use because you cannot do anything if the enemy takes neither of them. The true mind when you face the enemy is just set yourself alright and perfectly in line with your inner calm so that you can always react unconsciously no matter how the enemy attacks you." Insightful words.


449 Canopy

Only sometimes the architecture appears so gracefully that it matched well with the surroundings. I went to one of the newest buildings in the city and spent a few comfortable hours in the elegant and dynamic design. What I liked most is the broad glass canopy-top supported by white solid columns. The whole structure was decisively tall, simple and refined. It embodied stability and lightness at the same time. With the architecture the open sky can look even more beautiful. That delightful surprise somehow reminded me of the Parthenon. 

448 Release Your Grip



