
115 Pushing the Boundary

In the "Villa Savoye" by Le Corbusier, Poissy, France





どうもこれは、最近読んだSteve Jobsの本や、あるいは最近携わっている仕事の影響なのですが、それだけでなく「今もし同じ講義を受けたなら、もっと面白く伝わるメモが書ける」とふと思いつき、我ながらちょっと驚きました。







114 Crammed, Stuffed, Jammed

"What's so funny?"
Why these small things look so lovely even if they're crammed so much? Imagine the terminal station in the morning, the crowd in the Christmas shopping, or the tiring traffic to home at the end of vacation. It'd be a little more confortable if we look as much cute as penguin babies in the crammed, stuffed, jammed human world. (But if it means we need to be a furry ball I'd hold back the idea.)

Anyway it's no cute story behind this. They must be bearing the harsh icy wind in the Antarctic winter together. The eight little penguins. Eight? yes, the real funny thing is, you see two of them are ducking their head deeply underneath the two front fellows?


113 Snow, again and again

Financial Industryのほかに就いてみたい仕事があったとして(まあ、ありますが)、でも天気予報には向いていないようです。春が来たと思ったら雪が降り、ぜんぜん雪景色が見えなかったと書いたら今度は積もるほどの大雪になるようでは!


112 Grammy Award

Tomorrow is the Grammy Award. In 1990 when I was a kid I first watched the show and saw Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire."

"Harry Truman, Doris Day... Einstein, James Dean... Malcolm X... Woodstock..." a well-known song as a very direct, and literal, I mean literal, description of American and World's history from 1949-1989.

It might be surely an unique approach for lyrics writing. Sounds rather like a rap song than a pop music. Here I feel not only anger, surprise, irony, wonder, but also a kind of calmness like a document keeper.

I could no more share the emotion toward the history in his song than I do towards Abraham Lincoln because I didn't experience it (and I was too young to understand it). But soon after the 1990 Grammy I was watching the dissolution of Soviet Union on TV. It has passed rapidly changing 20 years of upheaval since then.

Billy, if you write another verse about this 20 years, I think it would be twice the length of the 40 years of the original song.

As a MTV generation actually I was more interested in the video work of this song. It's no easy montage of historical archives. Please take a look because it's really awesome.

"We didn't Start the Fire" Billy Joel, 1989


111 Snowflake



"In this section I give detailed instructions for building your own snowflake photo-microscope--- you can build everything on your living room table with no extra tools or previous experience. All that's needed is a loaded credit card and some free time. "



110 A Hazy Shade of Winter


恐ろしく寒く、でも雪が降るとそわそわして皆が外に出てくる、そんな日でした。そしてSimon & Garfunkleの"A Hazy Shade of Winter"にぴったりな写真が撮れた日でした

But look around 
Leaves are brown
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter


Look around
The grass is high
The fields are ripe
It's the springtime of my life


I look around
Leaves are brown Now
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter


Look around
Leaves are brown
There's a patch of snow on the ground


繊細で物憂げな歌詞と対照的に、これが彼らの作品の中で最も力強い気骨溢れるRock'n Rollである、というセンスが最高。"Hazy shade of winter"の中に出ていく気分を楽しくさせてくれる名曲です。

109 Cuisine

"Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are." Brillat-Savarin
My dad called me the other day and said, "Your blog's funny. But lack of food topics." It's true, I don't argue. But there're some reasons I deliberately avoid those themes.

one: Frankly I'm not interested in blogs like "Today's my lunch!" Everybody eats something every day. Who cares what the other people eat? (I don't mean gourmet info or restaurant guide of course.)

two: Dishes look less gorgeous and fresh when taken to a photo. It might be simply a matter of machine or technique. But I don't accompany an excellent lighting staff who can make up for when I eat out.

three: Tell me who I am from what I eat. For example take the one above. The answer might be, "Huh, are you a rabbit?" Don't take me wrong because to me it's fine food. The thing is my diet will never satisfy the reader's epicurean expectations.

However if the challenge is to improve my skills of photograph, I'm always ready to do it.


108 Omelette





107 Colorful

This morning I was on my way to office and waiting for a lift in a gloomy hall. I saw one of the directors and met his eyes, which seemed slightly surprised with my appearance. What's wrong? Then I noticed I was wearing somewhat silly outfits.

Bright red Scottish tartan muffler, dark-navy overcoat, jasmine yellow trousers, with a frosty blue briefcase(and blackberry in my hand). I'm not always in authentic Wall Street's dark suits, but seldom dress myself in such a color palette.

At the moment I was taken aback by my bold style and felt ashamed, but soon awkwardness vanished. Somehow I felt alright with these colors. Actually it was cheerful not silly. I didn't choose them with any consideration. I think I've got the idea from faint warmth in the air that tells spring season will come again.