
536 Self Esteem

To someone who has been well accustomed to the idea of self reproach and of sometimes intropunitive, which by the way isn't always a bad custom, it's difficult to understand the idea of self esteem.  In other words, it's the state that one cannot be satisfied with oneself, one feels too modest to praise oneself with being fully aware of how insufficient the one gets so far and how much tasks and challenges are there to conquer. Again, it's not a bad idea to stir the spirit. 

But there should be another view on oneself. Self confidence and modesty can exist together, and we have our own value that others don't see. We can treat ourselves in a way others cannot even if they wish to. These things are so hard to put into words and I kind of feel very awkward to talk things like this on a public blog, but it's something important, and something so many writers, creators and journalists have been trying to for centuries. 


535 10,000

I just happened to recognize that the this blog had surpassed 10,000 total views before I know. As of today it adds up to 10,314 views, so this little record must have been made around February- March 2015. The number is nothing to do with the readers for sure, nor to do with myself. "Okay, so what's the big deal"? No, nothing. But now I got to understand why people, companies or institutions celebrates the certain events and anniversaries which mark the milestone of the achievement, (however small it may be, I might add.) A great thing about statistics is that figure never lies. So when I look at this five-digit number showing the  total views so far, I do have a real, solid, and material feeling of this achievement, however small it may be.


534 Carnation


ブランディングについて学んだ際、"Brand Equity"という概念に出会いました。ここでのEquityとは金融や財務で使われる意味と同じく、Valueを指しています。ブランドの価値は花の値段のように日々変わるものでもなく、日々市場で取引されるものでもないため、その力は通常見えにくいものですが、それ故にその価値をマネジメントすることの面白さと難しさに大きな興味を覚えています。


533 Natural

"To be natural" does not always mean "to do nothing". On the contrary being truly natural is a state of art, even if it's effortless art. Act naturally, perform naturally, talk naturally, make natural presentation, anything. I happened to think of this when I heard of "natural make-ups" from a professional. It's far from "do nothing" or just trying to be lighter, thinner, colorless and powerless. The key thing is, according to her, to focus on one or two core areas and limit the shape and color to identify the intention of the make-up, in order to make the face somewhat distinctive,  just like the idea of minimalism, or zen style. Or maybe like the striped-pattern of a siberian tiger in the snow.

But theres always the field we cannot set up a methodology; "To think naturally", because obviously "think" is a natural sensation itself. Yet interestingly enough, we sometimes tend to search for more natural way of thinking than we have now.  


532 Time

The other day I was talking with my friend about my recent life --- half for work and the other half for myself and my family. Simply put, I contribute less to the society and my career but in the long run I feel I do something that I need and should do now. Then he told me an unforgettable idea on my status; "You can earn money anytime, but you cannot generate time", which somewhat sounded best. I take offer of time right now and put off the one of money. 


531 Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

"The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance"(無知がもたらす予期せぬ力)という意味深な副題の付けられた話題の作品”Birdman”には、その結末はハッピーエンドなのか否か議論せざるを得なくなるような、不思議な、純粋に芸術的な力があります。解釈は様々あるのでしょうが、殊に面白く感じたのは俳優の人生、俳優の世界というもの。大作映画で荒唐無稽なスーパーヒーローを演じるにせよ、舞台で高尚な文芸作品を演じるにせよ、主役でも脇役でも彼らは皆自分ではない別の、あるいは架空の人間をひととき演じることを仕事とし、多くの優れた俳優・女優達はその仕事に人生を捧げているのでしょう。「仕事」が普通の人にとってもいかに多くの時間を費やし、その人の価値観や人間性を築く上でいかに重要な役割を果たしているかを思えば、演じることを仕事としている彼らは、彼ら自身のリアルな人生においても「演じること」から逃れられない、あるいは演じる世界と自分の人生が一体となってもおかしくないのではないか?という思いに駆られました。一篇の映画を観て映画そのものを離れてこのような感想を持つことはあまりありません。全編にビートを刻むドライかつ不穏なドラム音も印象に残り、きわめてユニークな作品でした。

530 Elevator Talk

Every time I find it very funny when I imagine what they talk about each other across an elevator door. I'm talking about the moment when the guests/visitors are seen off after the business meeting with their counter parties. I am sometimes seen off as a visitor side myself, and more often I give a send off to my guests. The interesting thing is in either case you always start talking with your colleague just after the elevator door shuts. No doubt it's natural that you feel like giving a few words the moment you are released from the tense of meeting people. I just find it funny that what screens the most relaxing moment of both sides is only an elevator door.


529 Possibility

A friend of mine and I were talking about one's mate. She mentioned a hilarious and uplifting view on single status --- means, they have infinite possibility for finding their mates to meet and go out with. Furthermore, until the time comes you are completely free from troubling to keep relationship. Given that, it seems simply best to have both freedom, independence and bonding at the same time in one's relationships in order to keep happiness, isn't it?