
559 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

If you don't live in the United States, or if you even have a television (both are the case with me),  you can access to YouTube and enjoy one of the most hilarious TV talk shows. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon is definitely my favorite. Jimmy Fallon has one-and-only talent to make us laugh with such a (seemingly) effortless, friendly manner as if he is doing nothing special. But the fun, energy, quality, warmth, sincerity, imagination and taste for mischief which Jimmy with the team (including the incredible house band, The Roots) and the guests together create are state of art, and yet, very natural and nonchalant, sometimes heartwarmingly childish. Indeed his show is a pleasant playground for celebrities. They don't just talk, but sing, dance, act, lip sync, and play. Not only them but the audience can have fun together in the "Hashtags", which his subtle skill makes your neighbor's small joke into a nationwide laughter.

There is no point just analyzing the charm, so I just want to share some of my favorites videos of the show.

Hope you just enjoy them!


558 Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation

説明不要の大ヒットスパイ映画の新作 "Mission : Impossible Rogue Nation"、回を重ねるほどに度肝を抜くようなスケールのアクションと駆け引き、コメディ要素まで取り混ぜた完成度の高いエンターテインメントの傑作シリーズです。筋立てや見所の素晴らしさは言うまでもなく、年々ハイレベルな映画が作られる中にあって掛け値無しの興奮と楽しさを期待以上に見せてくれています。冒頭の「離陸する飛行機のドアにしがみつくリアルアクション」はすっかり有名なのですが、これを実際にやってのけるのは、冷静に考えれば正気の沙汰とは思えません。観客としては、まあ映画だから、とそれなりに安心して観てはいられるものの、実際空港で猛烈なスピードで加速し離陸していく飛行機を眺めてみれば、その機体の外に人が張り付いているというのはにわかには信じがたい離れ業です。映画にリアリティを提供し、観客に本物の興奮を提供したいという並外れた一人の俳優の熱意には、映画の好き嫌いは別として感銘を受けずにはいられません。そこまで映画に賭け、映画に真摯に向かい、映画の仕事を(命がけで)楽しむというのは非常に特殊なことではあるのですが、さすがにこれほどのレベルではなくても、人にとって仕事というのは本気に取り組み楽しめることであるべきなのでしょう。なぜなら、それが最高の仕事を生み出すからです。


557 Humor Is My Ally

Kindness, justice, strength, sympathy, belief, diligence, affluence, love, resignation, generosity, and so many things can help people to live their life. Most likely, we tend to forget we have one powerful ally, the sense of humor. We cannot easily change the world but we can change ourselves into a hilarious, thus strong and warm being with laughter and smile. With humor you can cheer yourself up and dodge a blow from your enemy, or could beat them in the smartest way. Why not just give it a try?


556 My Name Is

I have been stuck in an uncomfortable state which is too hard to explain in a blog. I just know that every once in a while this kind of things happen to, or are happening to everyone. So it's not special. It might be an usual, ordinary bitterness in our life. Yet I (like everyone else) need some courage and equilibrium to survive these times. That's why I dare to share my kind of personal issue here just hoping this might be of help to someone else.

"You gonna be OK. Relax, take it easy." 
"You will find a way."
"You'll be successful in whatever you try."

Friends always tell me these simple words and simple words have strong power to turn feelings to positive. 

Another friend of mine told me the other day,

"Whenever you feel sad, remember your name, 'cause it's awesome, fantastic name. You should remember you have awesome name of warmth and light." 

Thank you for reminding me. Yes I have unusual name and I am proud of it. It's also quite simple. Literally my name suggests "in the midst of sunlight" and it also has a double meaning, relating to the weather when I was born, "the indian summer", a dry, clear, sunny and comfortable autumn day. Yes it's happy and nice to think like I'm always having warm and clear sunlight. That is my own brand identity.


555 Down-to-Earth


Normally we look down small plants and look up high trees. However a chance to "look up" small plants will surely be an interesting experience. Those leaves and stems which we are likely to recognize vaguely as "green thing" are actually growing with nurturing their own unique shape, pattern and color. The sight is as much impressive as the feeling when we look up marvelous trees. 

554 Stay

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" --- at the Stanford University commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs.

"Stay Weird, Stay Different" --- at the 2015 Oscar award winner speech for best adapted screenplay by Graham Moore.

From time to time these genius comes up and raise these brilliant words in a way that we hardly get to know how to describe our inner aspiration. The expression may be different to each one of us but the essential is always the same. From time to time we go through hard times, not so hard times, very serious tough times, and may get the true feeling of what they meant to tell us by ourselves. If that works, the hard and bitter times means a bit of, sometimes a lot of, good chance in our lives.

Other person points out the weakness of ourselves and sometimes criticize it. I don't deny the importance to try to fit in some society, community, organization or into difficult human relationships. But I believe that the weakness that other person see has a significant strength in it and you should never give away the natural-born gift easily, because at the end of the day it is your own beauty, strength, charm and identity. I know and do understand that I myself might be sometimes "the other person", which cannot be helped, but I learned just how nonsense it is to be misled by other person and try to be someone you are not. Whatever they say the unique value of oneself should be proud of and it will finally find the place to be understood. 

The reason why I have to write these seemingly naive and immature thought is that I am having tough times right now and begin to learn that this can only be felt true when you are in such position. I am afraid I don't have much writing skills to tell the fact in a way that it doesn't seem that naive and immature but I hope the two "Stay" messages will clearly deliver what I mean.   


553 Eames

Back in 2013 I visited Zurich and went to VItra Museum where I met so many fantastic furnitures and shot photograph of many of them. At that time I had never dreamed of having one of them.  But somehow, now I am having really fun in remodeling my house (including the green shade, which works marvelously) and happened to find two Eames DSW wooden-shell chairs with a really (miraculously) discounted price. Should I think about it very cautiously? Yes. Should I get it just because I manage to find it suddenly? No. Also I tried some "good design stuff" before and sometimes failed to own them, meaning failed to maximize the original value, failed to illuminate them. 

I know the importance of these lessons well but sometimes an opportunity knocks on your door and makes you say "what am I gonna do?" Very occasionally the answer comes up immediately. It's a celebrated standard of modern chair, and one of the masterpieces in mid-century modern design. What am I gonna do? 


552 Instagram

Recently I started to use Instagram just to learn one of the most successful tools in SNS marketing which I am studying. In a nutshell it is really fascinating. It's a photo, a record, a message, an emotion, and a moment with all these combined. I strongly believe in the power of words but we are most likely paying attention to visual information, and what's more, great images can actually talk much more than words.  

Instagram starts to open up my eyes to new ways of communication. The other day I came across a notice of very intriguing and beautiful photograph exhibition. I searched the photographer and she had Instagram account. I followed her photo because they were really good. 

A few hours later I found that she "Liked" one of the photos I shot and posted on my Instagram account. Whatever the way is, this is the first time my photo attracts a certain attention from a professional photographer

It's just totally exciting and amazing.