
64 Master

This used to be the office of our master of investment banking business.





63 Love Actually is all around

I noticed that I have done only 3 posts this June. That's the worst record since I've started this blog (even in April when I hardly had a time to breathe, 7 posts were updated.)

I know the reasons of my laziness;

1. I had an operation on my eye, and don't feel like working with PC monitor very much.
2. I was busy and happy to send message to my friends who got married during this few weeks.

It seems this is a record year, as I've got letters of marriage from this March to June more than ever!

A schoolmate at university who became a charming doctor,
A friend at french language school who is an excellent secretary,
2 of my ex-colleagues who always cheered me up,
A friend of my part-time job at design studio years ago who share the true fever for the Beatles,
and A classmate of elementary school whom I still remember well.

I realized that love actually is all around me. I do wish to deliver my sincere congratulations to these happy brides and grooms!!


62 From Fake Plastic Tree to the Joshua Tree 

「クリスマスツリーはほとんどFake Tree」と先日書いた時、Radioheadの有名な曲、"Fake Plastic Trees"が浮かびました。 あまり歌のタイトルになりそうにない言葉だったり、意味がよくわからないのに、その言葉でしか表わせないものを鋭く言い当てている、そういう曲名が好きです。想像力を掻き立てられるからです。 なぜか英国や欧州のロックバンドに多い気がするのです。

Oasisの "Champagne Supernova"

Coldplayの "The Scientist"

The Beatlesの "Help!"

Underworldの "Beaucoup Fish"


 "Stay(far away, so close!)"

 "Where the Streets Have No Name"
 "Sunday Bloody Sunday"
 "With or Without You"
 "City of Blinding Lights"

 "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
from "The Joshua Tree", 1987



61 Star Alliance

このReindeer Recordsブログを立ち上げる前、ためしにStar Allianceという名のブログを作っていました。名前はもちろん世界一の航空ネットワークから。名前もロゴも、ジェット機のペイントもとにかく全てがかっこよくて、ただそれだけです。でもいくら好きでもブログのタイトルに拝借するのもちょっと気が引けて、またReindeer Recordsといういい名前を思いついたこともあって、このブログは公開しませんでした(サイトは残していて、”今日のMichael Jordan名言”とか、面白いガジェットの保管場所と化しています)

世界有数のブランド企業の名前って、どうやって決まるのかと思います。Star Allianceはこのグローバル(文字通り!)企業体のイメージをこれ以上ないくらい現しているし、言葉の響きの良さも格別です。



60 Lilac

One of my, and my mom's favorite, lilac.

Flowers and trees grow forever so they seem a little bit bigger than the last time you see them. Street lamp never grow up, so they seem a little little little bit smaller than before.
Sometimes I feel that living plants, not the architectures, are actually creating the city. If you don't feel so, then think, in what time of the year your city is most cheerful, bright and energetic? Of course it's CHRISTMAS when people rush to settle thousands of trees all around the world. (you may say almost all the christmas trees are fake, but it doesn't matter.)