
637 Creed

The legendary Rocky has come back with a brand-new hero, Adonis, a son of Apollo Creed. I don't say I'm a huge fan of Rocky movies nor boxing movies, but I cannot help finding this as one of very important films of recent years.The heavyweight champion,  Apollo had a son who, regardless of his smart job as a banker and his wealthy and quiet life, decided all he wanted was to be a boxer. He had never met his own father Apollo, and he asked Rocky to train him. Young Adonis and old Rocky gradually learned to trust each other, help each other, share the joy of life and became a father-and-son-like relationship.  

The interesting thing in this remarkable film is that the genetic similarity between Apollo and Adonis is not told so much. His instinct and his DNA was brought by his Apollo but it was collaborative effort of Adonis and Rocky that finally identified Adonis as a boxer and made him a true heir to the champion. Rocky is like a foster father to him and in turn he gives back Rocky a power to fight again. Apollo, his own father, is like a guardian angel who urged him to become a boxer with leaving everything behind, and it turns out that the vision of real father has been lying in his deepest mind.  


636 Physical Intelligence

One sunny day I was in a large park, sitting comfortably on the lawn. Everyone is relaxed and enjoying the quiet time. Suddenly a sharp, quick move caught my eyes and gave me a glimpse of flying bird. Maybe it was a claw flying very low as if it was dashing on the lawn. It was really only a glimpse but I was at least sure no human could move such fast and decisively. It was just cool. No human can do the same but, still, human body can be moved and used far more properly as well as with beauty and strength like wild animals, if we get the notion of train ourselves, not too much, but to the extent we can enjoy what we are blessed with.  To train your body leads to knowing your body, learning your body in connection with the work of your brain. It's the process of learning your muscle, balance, how it works and how you make it work. It's an instinctively important intelligence, yet somehow has been overlooked. 


635 Newspaper

For years I've been enjoying reading FT weekend edition at home but decided to quit subscribing it, given my life has been fully driven by digital media. I strongly trust we cannot live without paper media but I just feel I should try to organize the flow of information. Always we are surrounded by millions of information through tablets, PC screen, advertisement, broadcasting, magazines and tons of SNS media. Sometimes I feel pressed by them, not by themselves but by the overwhelmed feeling of how we can be clever enough to find meaningful information out of the vast ocean. Now the situation is really different compared to six and a half years before I started my little blog here. 

Before quitting subscription to the newspaper I carefully watched both FT newspaper and the FT app. For the first time I noticed that newspaper is such an interesting and creative media, by finding that it applies unique ways to deliver news stories and images. The headline, the image, the photo, and the article, seemingly effortlessly, but in reality with careful consideration, are designed and displayed to attract reader's eye and interest, and to differentiate themselves with the other articles. Paper truly has its own advantage in its dynamic and real form, which immediately sparks whenever we open the newspaper. Newspaper cannot have hyperlink, cannot be shared, tweeted or liked on online, but it's never be in the organized digital cell.  It can be really felt. Our eyes, fingertips, nose, and maybe ears also can feel it. In a way, newspaper is "right here, right now." 

But anyhow I'll enjoy my choice and explore the app world. The action has led me to find the power of newspaper already, so maybe I'll find a bit more, and maybe it might happen I go back to newspaper.  


634 View

We have good reasons to believe that what drives us, what motivates us, and what we truly want at the bottom of our mind, might be after all our basic instinct to live better - get good food and place to live, and also win the attention of our love interests. But when we are lucky enough to face a splendid moment and stop to see wonderful view of nature, or design, architecture, machine, airplane, cars, animals, or act of humanity, anything, there is totally a different emotion, an instinctive aspiration. It has nothing to do with the needs and wants of our lives, but it surely connects with our definition of happiness. In fact I believe this is something we cannot live without.  


633 (Continued) - Winner and Loser

I'm writing this with pure surprise and for the first time I'm writing a continuing story of my last post. The person who pushed me and I had a talk today (I really have never expected this to happen). I was partly right about what I wrote, and somethings were really not correct. Yes, the person is vulnerable and dependent on the weak armor. But I was surprised to know (and honestly, cannot yet fully understand) that the person is all about goodwill. Reality is such an ambivalent thing. What has been once seen as black turns out to be white. It's almost like a miracle. I dare not to take any lessons from my curious experience, and just wish to be glad with the fact that I discovered, as this attitude sounds much more fitted to my conscience than to try to be unnecessarily journalistic. 

So we talked and finished talking with feelings that we did win something, a friendship, trust, and bond. Surely we were wrong on each ends and when we accept it even the losers can make good winners.   

632 Winner or Loser

Until very recently I have been through a bitter experience. A pain, suffering, anger attacked me. I know I never won the battle. But I also know I've never gave in. A person who happened to be the one to push me, with a power, authority and wrong belief may be the winner and I may be the loser. But I come to learn the person is not as strong and happy as I used to think, or at least, not stronger and happier than me. The person used to look like he has everything and takes everything he wants. But I know this is not true as it seems. 

The thing is I don't think I'm the winner. I don't think like "it serves you right!" or "you asked for it!" Well, sometimes it deserves someone right and that's how justice works. But I feel the person who carelessly hurt me is actually weak, vulnerable and highly dependent on a brittle armor, and seldom knows the true inner strength that makes us to be cured.