
100 Up in the Air

"Up in the Air", 2009
逆に、たとえそう見えなくても、以前と同じことをしていても、人生が変わる瞬間が描かれなくても、彼は本当は大きく変わったのかもしれません。それはそれで素晴らしいことです。"l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux" 「大切なものは、目に見えない」というサン=テグジュペリの言葉を思い出します。
Thanks for your support for this blog and A Happy New Year!


99 Reindeer goes to island

So I went to an island, taking airplane, train, bus, cab, and boat. It's a resort island where people from various countries come to enjoy modern arts and fine architecutres, but in the middle of winter it is a quiet and tranquil place.

Sometimes we are asked "which do you prefer sea or mountain?" Everytime I answer that I take mountain because I like green woods and find no specific reason to like sea. But I got to know why people love sea. It's an infinite open space.

The island is famous for concrete architectures by Tadao Ando. Concrete wall, concrete floor, conrete ceiling, concrete stairs, concrete corridor, concrete everything. Even though I adore modernism I imagined that it might be like a prison cell.

No! it was beyond my imagination. Concrete is such an interesting material. It gives the richest effect to the architecture. It shows dramatically opposite expressions like ---massive but light, dark but light, cool but warm, heavy but smooth, solid but gentle, solemn but modern, all over grey but transparent as if it fades into the air and doesn't exist. I thought a city of concrete building that most of the modernism architect in 20th century dreamed would be possible if this material is properly used.

Thankful to the experience and discovery, I'm thinking I'll set next course to Chicago, Helsinki, Paris, Honolulu...


98 Travelista

I gave up my original plan to attend my friends' wedding party because of my job. So I hardly could believe that I was told by my boss to take Christmas holidays. On that moment I came up with these destination list.

A city that I've been wishing to visit for a long time. Legendary skyscrapers and streets that I'm familiar with through Craig Rice's works (ex. Michigan Avenue, State Street, Columbus Drive, LaSalle Street. When I read Martin Beck, the streets in Stockholm seem somehow so familiar to me as well.) It might sound odd but I admire Chicago streets where humor and irony live with, and the sky where Mies van der Rohe rose and Michael "air" Jordan flew.
Nordic countries always fascinate me with its highest sense of modern design. Staying in Copenhagen years ago I felt happy and comfortable as if I returned to home. My interest in Finland lies not in Moomintroll but in the context of the country which raised its culture between Sweden and Russia. And I'm sure I can find nice cozy cafe in all around Helsinki.
There's no need to describe Paris in your own word. "The most beautiful city in the world," those common words were all I could feel when seeing Paris. Forever will it be so. Paris is the miraculous city where you can be a part of its beauty. I always wonder why Paris is so special and was chosen to be a center of aesthetics in the world's history.
Although I gave up my plan I didin't lose my passion for visiting Hawaii for the first time. As a perfect tourlist my imagination keeps flying over the heavenly beach and the blue pacific ocean, from a dolphin watching to a tropical version of Christmas tree, and Waikiki sunset. It's lucky that we have places on earth that make us still dream.
My first journey was London simply because I liked Brit Rock when I was a kid. Now grown up, certainly I get more reasons to visit London again. I'd just quote from my favorite holiday movie "Love Actually" in which the UK Prime minister challenges to the President of U.S. with a funny objection; "We may be a small country, but a country of Shakespeare, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter"---well, none of them from London.
I didn't remember why this idea came up. I knew little about Luxembourg. I didn't know its location, its language, history, culture, politics, food, art, and legacy. But when I happen to know the nation, a rich and small nation in a geographic center of Europe, a center of European finance, and a monarchy with a symbol of red wild lion, I don't know why but Luxembourg firmly captured my interest.
Monte Carlo
Even if I cannot afford watching F1 race or casino games among billionaires I can see the country where Grace Kelly spent her life leaving all her Hollywood success behind. That's it? Yes, I think people should travel a lot with such easygoing purpose. In fact, might it not be enough if one can see the marvelous blue sea of Cote d'Azur?

In fact, I didn't chose any of these destination. Where to go then? The answer will be my next #99 post.


97 Macchiato

A week ago I was assigned to an urgent project. Limited time, limited team as usual. After enormous discussion and struggle to find a reasonable goal I finished presentaion documents. It worked. Our team has passed the first trial of a hard negotiation that we will continue to face.

This is just the beginning so it's not time for a winning smile---but it is, for the merry Espresso Macchiato. It tells my joy better than my words.

"Macchiato" means "mark" in Italian. Yes I've surely started with good mark!


96 Twist and Out



