
642 George Lucas

The other day my favorite film critics were discussing George Lucas on radio. I've been a huge fan of Star Wars series but never knew the maker had not only created an incomparable world in a galaxy far, far away, but also pioneered and drove the way to the modern movie industry as we all know it today. Sound editing, filming technology, distribution, merchandise, and managing studio where a perfect independency of the creator is protected. One of the members in ILM had actually invented Photoshop software. The other professional working with Mr. Lucas made a non-linear editing software. The more I know about his work outside of creating Star Wars, the more I understand how he has been greatly contributing to the creative technology, to the whole digital/IT industry. The critics actually agreed to regard him as a man of visionary as great as Steve Jobs. 

And talking about Mr. Lucas, allow me to introduce the following simple fact which gives me much more personal impact, although it doesn't mean anything...

In 1973 George Lucas made American Graffiti, when my brother was born, and in 1977 he made the first Star Wars, when I was born. We are both huge fan of Star Wars.

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