
88 Blog

Dear Readers,

I started this place on new year's eve. I do not intend to achieve anything in this little blog but always be happy to keep it. I usually focus on how enjoyably, not how many, I write. But I decided to challenge 100 posts by the day of the next new year's eve, meaning I will write 11 posts within 2 months and 2 weeks. No problem. And I also promise to retain sincere interest towards subjects I pick up, and my standard of quality of pics and texts.

Cordially thankful to you all for your encouragement,

Reindeer Records


  1. 「さとなお」。この人のブログだけは欠かさず読んでる。僭越ながらベクトルが一緒で、かつ理想。ブロガーとして一読あれ!

  2. Thanks Tak, I've found him. Agreed!!
