
515 Trust

We may not be able to trust someone 100% always. We cannot take bonding with other person granted. Each and every one has different, own sense of value.  

But sometimes we are to find trust between ourselves and someone else, especially when we are in need of it. 

It is an unconditional trust beyond words between the two. 

It is not spoken, nor written but surely remembered as it is.


514 Song for Marion

名優Terence StampとVanessa Redgraveが老夫婦を演じた"Song for Marion"は、老いと死、音楽と家族をテーマにしたシンプルなコメディであり、二人の名演と音楽の力で知らず知らず深い感動を憶える秀作です。主人公は老いた気難しい頑固者で、表情は苦々しいか、(せいぜい機嫌が良くても)素っ気ないかのどちらか。しかし彼の余命わずかな妻は対照的に朗らかでユーモアに溢れ、友人を惹き付けずにはいられないチャーミングな人物で、ローカルの合唱団での練習に余念がない。彼は妻の趣味に呆れ、苦言を呈しつつも深い愛情を寄せ、甲斐甲斐しく妻を世話し最期を看取ります。その過程には一人息子とのかみ合わない関係、妻が夫に歌いかける"True Colors"の静かな感動など、ここまでだけでも見事に一篇のドラマですが、後半のコンテスト出場(映画的には少々ありきたりですが、何しろ老人達が、ややもすれば滑稽になるだけのファンキーなロックやラップを練習するというユニークさは抜きん出ています)も見応えがあります。そのコミカルな状況の中で彼が何を語り、何を思い、どう行動するのか、映画はひたすら孤独な老人のしかめ面を捉えながら、クライマックスでその表情を解き放ち、観客に幸せと切なさを同時にもたらします。



513 Brands

Apple - No.1 Global Brand, again in 2014

It's sometimes just funny to look at the names of the most famous and powerful corporations on earth. No doubt they all are likely to have certain, serious, philosophical, sometimes really interesting (but not hilarious) reasons for naming themselves. We just should know that. But leaving them aside, it's simply a fun to question about what makes them to represent their business by that names…

Apple. Why apple for technology? 
Gap. What gap is around the fashion, and between what? 
Shell. Why shell for energy? 
Amazon.  It's the largest on earth. But why the rein forest? Why not Everest?
Subway. For sandwich? Why?
Fox. Why fox for TV broadcasting?

Of course they probably have the reasons why. The reason might not be just to stand out among the usual proper nouns and abbreviations, but they surely do and remind us of the fun of naming.


512 Words

"Never turn aside from the road that your convictions tell you to follow, whatever obstacles you must surmount on the way. But true to yourself." This is a fantastic words given to me recently. It is just encouraging. 


511 Night View

Like the sunrise in the mountain, sunset in the sea, fresh green field, big wave, snow field, red and yellow leaves in autumn, starlight, clouds, sun and moon, or any other magnificent natural scenery, we very much like to see the night view in the city. Why these views attract us with such an amusing emotion? Why we tend to look at them in silence and wondering without getting bored? 

We found their beauty mostly in the millions of sparkling electricity and the shape of the building, usually skyscrapers. So frankly, the more artificial the city is, the greater its night view becomes. That's the difference between marvelous natural landscape which also attracts us a lot, and both are fantastic to see.

Night view has something more than just a delight of lighting of buildings.  We see thousands of lighted windows and might imagine the life behind them. We might follow the stream of thousands of cars and vehicles passing and crossing with thinking who is going to where.  We might see the living moment and movement of life in the night view, which ultimately fascinate us.

510 Name Matters

ようやくJane Austenの著作をすべて読み終えました。どの作品にも毎回驚かされるのは、似たような風景の中に似たような家族が同じような問題と出来事を巡るだけの筋だというのに、何度でもその世界を訪れその景色を堪能したい気持ちになるのです。世の中を切り取ってみせる窓はいつも同じながら、そこから見える人間の賢さ、滑稽さ、狡猾さ、明るさ、優しさ、誠実さ、悲しさ、強さ、弱さ、面白さを作者はかくもユーモラスで清澄な言葉で語ることができるのです。



これらが示すものは、名前がその意味や響きが呼び起こすイメージが性格の造形にも影響を与える重要な要素であるからか、あるいは逆にそんなことには頓着なく、当時はご近所にも家族にも似たりよったりな名前のお嬢さんが当たり前だった状況をリアルに反映させただけなのか、それは分かりません。ただJane Austenほどの鋭敏な感覚の小説家は、その作品世界の調和を生み出す上で何かしらの意図を働かせたのではないかと想像したくなります。


509 The Force Awakens

2015 will be a year when The Force Awakens.  I'm a huge fan of Starwars and looking forward to witnessing the new series with expectation, curiosity and a bit of mixed feelings of finding something so familiar within a brand-new paradigm with a new director and Disney production. However, I'm already sure that it's going to be a great success because Starwars movies have always been awakening our emotion, imagination and excitement. 

The one and only theme score at the beginning never fails to thrill me. The excitement to see spaceships flying about, roaring, gearing up into the cloud city, the capital of the galaxy, the desert planet, or the icy planet, and the sparkling lightsabers crossed between heroes and villains, all of which is beyond our imagination, always leads to a truly creative experience. 

 I cannot write a review on unreleased movie but can be quite sure the next Starwars will be likely to awaken our next experience.