And this time I try to write a movie review in other language. Somehow, English makes me write faster. "The Martian" is about a comedy-SF-drama which praises the courage, intelligence and most of all the power of humor. That makes me like this movie very much. Even though we don't live alone on mars with limited food and air and water, while you only have solitude and terror of being crashed at any moment, we spend our own terrible moments in our lives and the key of how you can survive it is essentially the same thing that was described in the movie. But allow me to skip these important themes as tons of great reviews referring to it are already on. Personally the movie reminded me of my primitive idea of what kind of architecture the human would be able to live in space in the further, which I was thinking (seriously) when I studied architecture in university. My trivial idea resulted in nothing, but watching the movie I remembered it and thought what was missing in my view at that time. In mars you're surrounded by nothing but a red dry desert. In spaceship you're surrounded by darkness of night. You have to live in those environment. Then how architecture, engineering and design can light up it and make people comfortable and cheerful regardless of the environment? I think the key is a sense of humor.
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