
632 Winner or Loser

Until very recently I have been through a bitter experience. A pain, suffering, anger attacked me. I know I never won the battle. But I also know I've never gave in. A person who happened to be the one to push me, with a power, authority and wrong belief may be the winner and I may be the loser. But I come to learn the person is not as strong and happy as I used to think, or at least, not stronger and happier than me. The person used to look like he has everything and takes everything he wants. But I know this is not true as it seems. 

The thing is I don't think I'm the winner. I don't think like "it serves you right!" or "you asked for it!" Well, sometimes it deserves someone right and that's how justice works. But I feel the person who carelessly hurt me is actually weak, vulnerable and highly dependent on a brittle armor, and seldom knows the true inner strength that makes us to be cured.

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