
635 Newspaper

For years I've been enjoying reading FT weekend edition at home but decided to quit subscribing it, given my life has been fully driven by digital media. I strongly trust we cannot live without paper media but I just feel I should try to organize the flow of information. Always we are surrounded by millions of information through tablets, PC screen, advertisement, broadcasting, magazines and tons of SNS media. Sometimes I feel pressed by them, not by themselves but by the overwhelmed feeling of how we can be clever enough to find meaningful information out of the vast ocean. Now the situation is really different compared to six and a half years before I started my little blog here. 

Before quitting subscription to the newspaper I carefully watched both FT newspaper and the FT app. For the first time I noticed that newspaper is such an interesting and creative media, by finding that it applies unique ways to deliver news stories and images. The headline, the image, the photo, and the article, seemingly effortlessly, but in reality with careful consideration, are designed and displayed to attract reader's eye and interest, and to differentiate themselves with the other articles. Paper truly has its own advantage in its dynamic and real form, which immediately sparks whenever we open the newspaper. Newspaper cannot have hyperlink, cannot be shared, tweeted or liked on online, but it's never be in the organized digital cell.  It can be really felt. Our eyes, fingertips, nose, and maybe ears also can feel it. In a way, newspaper is "right here, right now." 

But anyhow I'll enjoy my choice and explore the app world. The action has led me to find the power of newspaper already, so maybe I'll find a bit more, and maybe it might happen I go back to newspaper.  

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