

The breaking news that NASA found 7 earth-like planets around the star called Trappist-1, brew my mind. In the time of tons of information media and SNS it seems the surprise is not that huge and enthusiastic, which I wonder why, but I guess I can understand, because we are probably ready for the fact and has been believing the other habitable planet exist is so true. The notion might come not from academic, science studies but more from SF movies, but it is still exciting, because the power of imagination and creation of many SF movies (excluding, personally, the alien-invasion-type panic movies) will be well rewarded.

I've always been wondering what is going on in the outer space, not just our galaxy, but the whole "universe". I've been wondering the world is ultimately the "universe" as we know it, or perhaps there is further world beyond the "universe", and wondering if the "universe" is closed or opened. If we can call the solar system as our world, can we do it in the whole "universe"? It's exciting to know the truth and moreover, to let our imagination go. 

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