
724 Sound Sleep

I've got to know, finally, the true meaning of sleep. Having been in a busy industry and surrounded by hard-working people who don't much care if they have to keep working with 3-4 hours of sleep as well as with a huge pressure. I used to be one of them and still there is a good chance for me to take the same path again and again unless I am really careful about conditioning myself. It's no wonder we should sleep. We should take a sound, healthy sleep. But the thing is we can do without it (at least we assume so), we can somehow manage to live our life without it. 

The most useful and insightful words that changed my mind, or blew my mind was that sleep is an essential function of not only our body but also our brain, or mind, to keep on our lives, to survive it under so many hazards and stresses. I was completely wrong to regard sleep is a only rest. It's not, as far as I learned, and in terms of the impact to mind, sleep is playing some very important role such as organization and reproduction of memory, emotion and knowledge. It's a maintenance, rest, detox, and natural cure to our body. The good thing about the theory of sound sleep is that you can try it tonight and know the effect tomorrow morning, as I did.      

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