
729 Take Five

I found a very much interesting and effective way to keep a healthy distance between me and my smartphone. I know we cannot live without it and owe much to it, but honestly I've come to miss the time lost in the temptation to check with iPhone to see if something funny or valuable would come up and most of the case I switch it off feeling awkward. I found a way to keep me away from being controlled by my clever gadget. I don't like my own behavior to look at my phone in elevator, in train, in shops and in streets whenever I have blank 1 minute. 

So it's simple. When I feel like checking my phone, I say to myself "wait for 5 minutes. If I take 5 minutes and later check with it, nothing will be different." And when the 5 minutes passes, I completely forget I was about to check it, because there is plenty of things to do in the 5 minutes in your real world. I watch people, look around, think something new, something different, maybe I can brush my teeth for a change, maybe I can read or just get chill out without doing anything.  

You are connecting with the world with your own feet, touch, sight, hearing and all the senses you have together with your brain and body. It's the real world as we know it. Smartphone is another smart way to have connection with the world and I never deny it, but sometimes I don't think the reality is not in your palm, it's the ground you are on.

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