
109 Cuisine

"Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are." Brillat-Savarin
My dad called me the other day and said, "Your blog's funny. But lack of food topics." It's true, I don't argue. But there're some reasons I deliberately avoid those themes.

one: Frankly I'm not interested in blogs like "Today's my lunch!" Everybody eats something every day. Who cares what the other people eat? (I don't mean gourmet info or restaurant guide of course.)

two: Dishes look less gorgeous and fresh when taken to a photo. It might be simply a matter of machine or technique. But I don't accompany an excellent lighting staff who can make up for when I eat out.

three: Tell me who I am from what I eat. For example take the one above. The answer might be, "Huh, are you a rabbit?" Don't take me wrong because to me it's fine food. The thing is my diet will never satisfy the reader's epicurean expectations.

However if the challenge is to improve my skills of photograph, I'm always ready to do it.

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