
121 A New Hope

こちらは本当の桜の木。あまりらしくないですが桜です。去年撮った、もっとさくらさくらした写真を使うこともできたのですが、見栄えのために写真を替える気持ちになりませんでした。おそらくこの20日間強烈なノンフィクションの世界に生き、現実を直視しているからでしょう。 正直に言えば桜に特別な思い入れはありません。特別な感情を掻き立てられることもありません。桜の季節が近づくと無条件でわくわくしたり、舞う花々を何かにシンボライズすることもありません。 新緑が一斉に出そろう高揚感星座を見上げる純粋な気分曙光を浴びる幸福感暑さのあとの最初の秋風の爽快さそして視界を閉ざし音を消し去る大雪の中を進む冒険心。これらはわかります。でも桜の花が咲き、散るのを見て何を思うのか、ちょっとよく分かりません。 きっとこれからも分からないでしょう。 でも今多くの人々が桜の開花を待ち、そこに常に変わらない美しさが灯り、誰にでも気前よくその美しさを分かち合う桜の木々に期待を寄せています。その気持ちは必然です。 そして、いつも思うのは、桜の木に香りがあったらどうだろうかと。あれだけ花が咲き誇るのだから、桜が咲くと街中があんぱんやさくらラテの香りで一杯になるのだったら、それはもう外に出るのがどれだけ愉快になるだろうかと・・・


120 White Knight

© copyright Mercis bv.
Mr. Dick Bruna sent us a message of Miffy with shedding tears, without any color. Tears for not fear, but for sympathy. Smiles trully give us light and power but we shouldn't miss to understand the tears. To those who suffer, "Try hard" "Hold on", or "Fight back" are sometimes helpless. Sometimes, maybe these words are really needed; "I know your pain and loss, and I know how deep your sorrow is". To encourage, to console someone is no easy. It requires a lot of courage. With a brave and real sympathy you might save someone who waits and needs your help.

119 Hello Again

Over the vending machine without bottled water I knew I could find it. Now trees are ready to bloom though it's a bit later than last year. Among them I found my favorite one-"Minority"(#36). Hello again!

I thought it was a cherry blossom but now it seems actually to be a plum tree (the two are hard to distinguish.) If this is a plum tree it's no wonder to live differently from other cherry blossoms...

oh, that is, "Minority" was "The Ugly Duckling"??

But I don't really care about my mistake. I just appreciate that we will meet again the living things around us.


118 18 Years

(I was about to publish this post#118 before the quake violently changed the world as we know it. But even if my daily life went upside-down I still feel this little story very much meaningful to me and see no reason to withdraw.)

On sunday evening I spent some time with my old and best friends. We had not seen each other for 18 years. We went to the same school when we're kids. Now one has a family, the other got Ph. D., and I have what I got. But nothing got in the way of us immediately jumping into the days of 18 years ago.

We used to gather in a hamburger shop after school to eat junk foods. Do homework, listen to music, do mischief and doodling, and chat on things that were funny only to children. (After these burgers we came home and had dinner. What an appetite!)

I believe that childhood buddy is a special being who can always share some special feelings. I don't call it just old memories. It's something more lively, ever-blooming, bouncing dream that was once real and will be continuing to live with us. It's like a gem stone which we first found in the rough when we were young, and keep polishing as we grow up.

After a few hours we finally designed a life plan together; when we get older we'd buy and own the burger shop and spend most of our retirement days gathering there to eat and talk.











Previously at post#75 I was talking about "Henry" who could cast a light on me after the financial crisis. Now I need another Henry. I'm close to it because I'm with hope.


Do - nation

Dear Friends,
Red Cross will deliver your help to Tohoku.
or Just Click to your iTunes Store and find probably the simplest way of donation.
Do for the Nation.


No Title

No Image,
I Need Word
Save me
Save you
Save Energy


117 10%

Today is 2nd March. If February is long enough, it would be 30th February. So it's only a couple of days but we always wonder "why time goes so fast these days?" and find "oh it's February, can't help it."

The gap is only 2-3 days. February is only 10% less than others. So how do you think, 10% is big or small?

If you sleep 6 hours, 10% loss would be 36 minites. Not a big difference.

If you have a hundred and one Dalmatian puppies, you definitely notice if 10 of them are running away.

If you take 10 cigarette a day, just cut down one by one each day and you could easily stop smoking in 10 days.

If your height is 10% less than now, it's a big deal.

If you are younger by 10% than now, it would be just wonderful.

10% is actually a big deal I suppose.


116 Seeking the Science




