
493 Album

I always put 1 or 2 photos on my post. Naturally there is an archive of the good amount of pictures. I looked at them and would like to shoe some of the typical pictures that well describe my intension which I didn't understand at all.

1. Lots of animals
2. Lots of airplanes

There is no surprise I chose pictures of airplanes so many times but I never noticed that much more pictures of animals appeared so frequently. I like both of natural beauty and industrial beauty and cannot give any priority to either of them. 

3. Lots of movie scenes

I don't remember how many times I have been trying to pretend to be a movie critics here and I don't care if it has succeeded, but the pictures remind me of the excitement of the movie. They are the journalistic part of this blog.

4. Few of foods

I don't avoid food topics--- in fact I love to see the professional photo of fine dishes. I just cannot be comfortable to shoot the food in front of me at a restaurant or a house where I am the guest of.

5. Few of musicians

It's a bit surprising because I love music. But after all music is there for being listened to. Not seen.

6. Few of architecture

It's the thing that I am ashamed of a little and actually I'm going to try to describe more of my favorite architectures with my own words and senses. But it's always awkward for me to show the grand masterpieces in such a small photo and small space. 

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