
556 My Name Is

I have been stuck in an uncomfortable state which is too hard to explain in a blog. I just know that every once in a while this kind of things happen to, or are happening to everyone. So it's not special. It might be an usual, ordinary bitterness in our life. Yet I (like everyone else) need some courage and equilibrium to survive these times. That's why I dare to share my kind of personal issue here just hoping this might be of help to someone else.

"You gonna be OK. Relax, take it easy." 
"You will find a way."
"You'll be successful in whatever you try."

Friends always tell me these simple words and simple words have strong power to turn feelings to positive. 

Another friend of mine told me the other day,

"Whenever you feel sad, remember your name, 'cause it's awesome, fantastic name. You should remember you have awesome name of warmth and light." 

Thank you for reminding me. Yes I have unusual name and I am proud of it. It's also quite simple. Literally my name suggests "in the midst of sunlight" and it also has a double meaning, relating to the weather when I was born, "the indian summer", a dry, clear, sunny and comfortable autumn day. Yes it's happy and nice to think like I'm always having warm and clear sunlight. That is my own brand identity.

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