
554 Stay

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" --- at the Stanford University commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs.

"Stay Weird, Stay Different" --- at the 2015 Oscar award winner speech for best adapted screenplay by Graham Moore.

From time to time these genius comes up and raise these brilliant words in a way that we hardly get to know how to describe our inner aspiration. The expression may be different to each one of us but the essential is always the same. From time to time we go through hard times, not so hard times, very serious tough times, and may get the true feeling of what they meant to tell us by ourselves. If that works, the hard and bitter times means a bit of, sometimes a lot of, good chance in our lives.

Other person points out the weakness of ourselves and sometimes criticize it. I don't deny the importance to try to fit in some society, community, organization or into difficult human relationships. But I believe that the weakness that other person see has a significant strength in it and you should never give away the natural-born gift easily, because at the end of the day it is your own beauty, strength, charm and identity. I know and do understand that I myself might be sometimes "the other person", which cannot be helped, but I learned just how nonsense it is to be misled by other person and try to be someone you are not. Whatever they say the unique value of oneself should be proud of and it will finally find the place to be understood. 

The reason why I have to write these seemingly naive and immature thought is that I am having tough times right now and begin to learn that this can only be felt true when you are in such position. I am afraid I don't have much writing skills to tell the fact in a way that it doesn't seem that naive and immature but I hope the two "Stay" messages will clearly deliver what I mean.   

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