
660 Armed with Diamond

Diamond is the strongest and the most beautiful gemstone on earth. It's interesting that the beauty of it comes from its transparency and unparalleled brilliance in the light, and also from the its unchangeable, hard-core, and eternal existence. Anybody ever has thought of the armor, the shield and the sword made with diamond?        


659 Blogging Detox

I have been keeping an undisclosed blog other than this Reindeer. This is my personal diary, though I do not especially like the idea of keeping diary. Reading back my own diary always makes me feel awkward. Anyway I kept it for noting a story and my feelings about a relationship that started, was twisted, came to the end, and totally disappeared. Contrary to general idea that writing ones's own inner feelings can help one to keep a peace of mind, I don't especially find it useful to organize my feelings. I always do organize my feelings, however mixed-up it may be, with inner thoughts or dialogue with my friends or family, without actually writing down them.  

But the diary, or a record of a lost relationship, is of course somewhat awkward, but it is also interesting to look back. I dare to confess that sometimes I was impressed by how much delicately I analyzed and described my feelings and put it into words. I don't sense negative emotion left behind, but find the fact why so many writers create their words driven by the actual event of their life. That's true a relationship is a source of creation, not just because it was a big deal in everyone's life, but also because it shakes us and makes us face with inner ourselves. I remember I had read a life tips saying that the relationship is all about dealing with yourself, not with the partner. 

So it was interesting but I finally found I will not need it any more. The words in the past means little, and rather, to me it is more important to know the journey of following one's  inner events and recording the feelings can be the true resource of creation. Then I removed the blog to detox the relationship.


658 Catch Your Eyes

As being a dancer / a dance lover,  dance is a part of my life and I take it for granted. But I noticed when I watched a happy dancing flash mob that dance is not usually a natural action in life (of course, I don't suddenly start dancing in the public), and also noticed that our eyes are swiftly attracted by the dance once it starts to move. In a dance studio or a club we never be surprised to see people dancing, so I somehow forgot that only a subtle dance move can catch your eyes in our daily, public, normal and ordinary life. I always focus on my dance in a way of how I can liberate my sense and emotion to be part of the music. But it's better to have the view of how my dance is seen and how it can be paid attention to. It's not about a desire to be seen "cool", but searching for why a dance move can fascinate us so much.  


657 Blogger

Maybe one of the reasons I keep my blog is that this is the place I can play between the public identity and private identity of myself. I use SNS where I need to (I think I need to) control what I say under my public identity. My family, friends, colleagues, and so many acquaintances watch my post and some of them kindly send me "Likes" and comment back. I enjoy to be paid attention and communicating with them. In blog here, it's a bit different. I do not disclose my real name or identity. Only a handful kind readers who are my family or friend know who the writer is. So for example I can watch a film and post my review on an evening when I skip my firm's dinner. I can enjoy being a free identity. Furthermore, though I have been imposing a discipline on myself to "always write something that might be interesting to unknown reader" since I started this, I am gradually changing my mind not to care much about it. Surely it doesn't mean I write anything - any kind of topic from my job interview, fascinating lunch, unproductive holiday, to my love interest. It's not a diary I can write anything I want. I don't want it because if I write my diary it is not disclosed at all. But here, I may write something I just feel, think, something that is true to my sense but also can be filtered by logic and come into word. I actually "pin" my thoughts here. 

656 Sully

And of I cannot miss to watch the latest movie "Sully", directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks,  based on a true story of "The Miracle on Hudson River" landing. 

Sometimes people can accomplish splendid work that encourages millions of people and embraces the possibility of human being. I don't know if these blessing of the trust to human being is enough for us to keep faith and hope for life, but one of these true stories is powerful enough for me to take pride in being a professional, even though I'm not a pilot or a flight attendant or an air flight controller or a rescue crew. These great professionals can trust themselves, trust their skill, experience for which they dedicate their professional life, trust their team, and always be true to their mission. I believe this is the most extraordinary movie in the way that the work of film is as much remarkable as the real thing that happened. Simply awesome. Simply the best.

As a "diehard aircraft fan", I cannot help thanking for all these pilots and crews and all the professionals who is involved in flying airplane safely, under such delicate control, to give us the happiness to fly in the sky. 

655 A Diehard Air Fan

I was watching an action-suspense movie, which to me seemed a fine mixture of Die Hard and Orient Express, and kind of movie one doesn't want to see during the flight. It's one of the well-made action films. At the climax of the last sequence, it would be more natural for an audience to break into applause and cheer for the brave fightback of the hero, but to me, it was a bit different, and I was most emotionally impressed by the sequence where the co-pilot managed to land the disabled airplane on the ground. Again, the utmost delight of the last 5 minutes is obviously focused on the cool combat action of the hero (yes it was really cool) but I noticed how deeply and funnily I became committed to the airplane action.