
656 Sully

And of I cannot miss to watch the latest movie "Sully", directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks,  based on a true story of "The Miracle on Hudson River" landing. 

Sometimes people can accomplish splendid work that encourages millions of people and embraces the possibility of human being. I don't know if these blessing of the trust to human being is enough for us to keep faith and hope for life, but one of these true stories is powerful enough for me to take pride in being a professional, even though I'm not a pilot or a flight attendant or an air flight controller or a rescue crew. These great professionals can trust themselves, trust their skill, experience for which they dedicate their professional life, trust their team, and always be true to their mission. I believe this is the most extraordinary movie in the way that the work of film is as much remarkable as the real thing that happened. Simply awesome. Simply the best.

As a "diehard aircraft fan", I cannot help thanking for all these pilots and crews and all the professionals who is involved in flying airplane safely, under such delicate control, to give us the happiness to fly in the sky. 

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