
147 Green Destiny








  an effortless beauty.


146 Z Coffee


木を多用した空間に吹き抜けの高い天井と、ロフトのような2F席が他店とは少し違う雰囲気でした。広々しているわけでもなく、狭くもなく、とりたてて美しいわけではなく、家具が素晴らしいわけでもなく、コーヒーはきわめて美味しく、静かで、気楽で、いい場所でした。コーヒー店にしては―というより、今やありとあらゆる公共空間において―珍しく、"Personal Space"を得られる店でした。


Blogでもたびたび話に出している通り、Starbucksはむろん大好きですし、毎日行きますが、店舗のある場所と客層によって「雰囲気作り」の成否はだいぶ違うのは否めません。ある瞬間、その場にいるスタッフと店の客全員がある同じ感覚と気分で同時に場を「作る」、さらに言えば「演じる」ような瞬間があれば(幸運なことにたびたび遭遇するのですが)、そこで居心地のよいPersonal Spaceが得られます。

赤坂のお店は、この空気をいつでも味わえる場所でしたが、残念なことに先日閉店してしまいました。人によってPersonal Spaceを求めることもあれば、賑わいや喧騒をカフェに求める人もいるかもしれません。ただ、長年の経験から、カフェインは、人を「集団」より「個」の意識に向かわせる効果が強いと思います。



145 Baby Shower

At this time last year was a record-breaking wedding rush (see #63 and #68). This year comes truly a baby rush!

I remember when my little niece was born and how small she was. I couldn't find her sleeping under a tiny blanket. Now she is 5 and performs Jumpin' Jack line-dance with my clumsy piano.

I remember when I was 1 year old though it's just a sight of sunny balcony. The memory turns much clearer when I was 2, and I remember I was fighting with other kids when I was 3.

The smaller the child is, the bigger their parent exist in the child's world. Babies always see the dads and moms as an embodiment of the whole world, with their eyes wide open, even when the only thing they do is crying, hiccups and sleeping.

So I don't think it wise to give iPad to toddlers when they're really small...but I don't know, it would make them more independent and curious about the wild wide world miles away from them.

Gifted photographer Sartorialist shows images on father's day. Congratulations to all who share the joy!


144 Try not to listen

Advertisement of Bose Noise Cancellation Headphone.

Speaking of language, I have a strange wish; if only I could temporary choose to become illiterate to the language I use. If I could not understand the language it'd lose its meanings and turn to be a mere sound. Helpless? No it could be so helpful when you're surrounded by people talking loudly while you have to concentrate on reading contract, newspaper, or musical score.

Reality is, of course you cannot shut down your ability to understand (almost automatically) the language you're familiar with. Why do we have no option to control our linguistic sense and let ourselves go into another layer like sleeping? 

But no, we mustn't lose our emergency sensor anytime and it's the language that convey the information to save ourselves. (That's interesting because we rely on mainly a visual information in our normal life.)


143 French

Copyright Yellow Owl Workshop, a fine design store in San Francisco

フランス語についてはずいぶん色々と教わったものですが、「どうもありがとう」を表す「Merci Beaucoup」からまず唖然としたのを覚えています。








142 Breakfast at S

Fruits and egg is my ordinary breakfast.

But with a spoonful of wild blueberry and a great deal of chopped truffe in omelette, you know this is not ordinary. My friend and I cheerfully compared our dishes with Mr. Brule's smart breakfast at Penninsula. True nourishment lies in not only the food, but in the frank and lively conversaion over it.

Well, does anyone still say my diet is poor?


141 Above Cloud








140 Il Trovatore

Again Verdi's masterpiece, again METopera, "Il Trovatore".

How could I describe this vendetta drama? Two brothers (neither of them know it) are killing each other and two women stand between them as a  sourse of obsession--- one for love and other for hate. Every one of them are blindly single-minded (if not egoistic) and their acts are passionate but somehow stupid. They never stop to think twice and rush to the tragic end.

It's ultimately a revenge drama, but there seems to be no plot, no conspiracy, no plan for assasination (so different from "Simon Boccanegra"). The four characters act with sudden impulse. What makes them chase their goal are fear, blind love and jealousy. For example the heroine Leonora dies for love with almost instant decision. It's surely noble, but not as emotional as the touching fate of La Traviata nor as fragile as innocent Ophelia.

With all the astonishing lack of sensibility (I thought opera must be something more solemn and intelligent) however, it's powerfully attractive with Verdi's rich and heavenly beautiful music. When the elaborate music meets the madness, in the rough gypsy camp or in the dark dungeon, it sparkles with tense and excitement. It's an odd but gorgeous entertainment.

*Supplementary comment: I even imagined that what if Leonora was truly a younger sister who had been hidden because Count family feared another curse to their third child...and the brothers never knew their sister...even so, it might be only a little trick in this great chaos.

139 Future

I get sometimes surpised and overwhelmed at how so many people wish to create stable plan for their future. And how they obey their own order and follow the To-Do-List to accomplish the masterplan.

I simply don't understand why they find the future to be easily materialized if they don't miss the steps previously decided and laid before them. Future is such an unpredictable thing and free from evaluation. If you imagine the vision of yourself 10 years after, the value would be changed in 10 years.

Life is not a solid architecture that needs a perfect masterplan. Life is a living thing that is unexpected, never be completed and will always roll  forward. Future is an extension of present days and not a fixed goal.

But having a dream and expectations for the future is another thing. It's not a masterplan but a source of power to brighten and strengthen the present life.


138 Dandelion

最近書きたかったことはいろいろあり、「雨季のはじまり」か、「人間をBalance Sheetに例えると人のCapitalとはいったい何か」でなければ「類語辞典について」か、1週間迷っているうちに家を空けたため、何を書くつもりだったかすっかり忘れてしまいました。
