
354 Whistle

I'm not sure what these kids today are learning in school, but I always think schools should teach not only knowledge from books but also knowledge and skills learned only by using from head to foot. They teach gymnastics, basketball or football and it's fine, but before everything, it'd be wonderful if children could master using their body. Some schools might teach yoga, dance, or martial arts, and that's splendid (personally I do recommend kids to learn these---to get strong and stable axis of the body as well as to get closer to your self identity). But before that, how about whistling? Can you do that like in old movies?

Whistle is not just giving a spice to the movie scene, but also is a practical communication tool. As today's kids have little time and chance to learn it from family, like grandfather, like in good old days, it's an idea to share the old skills in modern school.

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