
463 The Look

Why we look at each other's eyes to talk with the other, to know, and to read the mind? Why we think our eyes show our feelings? Eyes are like a camera lens to input visual information outside. But we feel they have something more.  We feel that they are not only a function of information device of the brain. We maybe look at each other's eyes not because they are the lens, but because they do also output the inner information. I know this expression is no science, but they seem to radiate light or heat some kind of magnetic wave, something that is substantially existing, that will be well caught by eyes on the counterpart. That's how our eyes are automatically attracted by those of others. Whatever, the look of eyes have no doubt such strong power that people tend to believe that eyes can tell well.

Eye color might be also the reason why we find eyes are expressive and attractive enough to be looked at sometimes for several hours. Brown, black, blue, hazel, green, grey, and amber--- eyes are the sole colorful and mystical part of our body that is given such variety, even in one ethnic group.  

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