
541 At Exhibition

At an exhibition of art : 

Do you closely look at the introduction note at the entrance, or just walk into the hall without paying much attention to it? 

Do you use an audio guide and follow the stream of art works, or find your own way of wandering around the space freely?

Do you like to see the picture closely, or look at it with keeping substantial distance?

Do you appreciate the beauty of the picture itself, or like to try to read the artist's mind through the work?

Do you think your eyes are likely to catch and be attracted by the color in the picture, or the shape?

Do you like to talk with your fellow audience, or keep silence when you are in the hall?

Do you try to find your interest in the pictures, or quit looking at the pictures and try to find the exit of the room, when you unfortunately find yourself bored by the works?

Do you take a break and stretch your legs sitting on the bench in the middle of the exhibition, or wait for the relaxing time over the coffee after you finish the exhibition?

Do you feel your sense is the same when you look at a picture and a sculpture, or feel any difference in it?

Do you look at a picture frame or ignore it?

Do you like to flip the pages of a catalog of the exhibition and be tempted to buy it, or like to  turn to your memory, when you like the exhibition and try to remember it?

Do you go to an exhibition searching for knowledge and experience, or for a unusual time spent with floating in the air filled with art works?

Do you think that ultimately art is an universal pursuit of beauty of human kind, or it's really a personal, sometimes egoistic activity in a best way for the artists to identify themselves?

Do you like art, or artist?

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