
579 I would like to call it "A New Year"

If I ever have talked about my birthday here (I believe I did a few times) I must have written about it later. This year I give it a new twist, as I think it would be something meaningful to talk about it before. The childhood days of party, family celebration and lots of presents have already gone. Whether it's my birthday or not, I have to work (like everyone else) and I'm not actually interested in the idea of special foods, drinks or to treat myself with special relaxing time, etc. But I'm sure I have one big special thing on my birthday (like everyone else), as I noticed that I do have a right to think as if I have my own calendar.  The solar calendar starts on January 1st. Your company's fiscal year may start in January or February or April or September. But what if we think that our lives begin on our birthday so it's a new year's day on our personal calendar? 

So, like we think about the new coming year and make a wish for it on new year's eve, I try to think about my coming birthday this year a bit --- not much of a difference, but it's fun, as I think of at least these things:

- I made my wish lists,  no matter if they're given to me or not.
- I made plan to do on my birthday eve, like new year's eve, for example to clean up and get rid of unnecessary things, in order to get a fresh start for my new year.
- Now I'm feeling excited to welcome my birthday. It works :-)

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