
583 Undercelebrated

Graduation, wedding, promotion, retirement, getting job, giving birth, awarded, buying house, breaking record, mastering PhD, starting business, winning lottery, 15-minutes of fame, and so on. It seems we have tons of reasons to celebrate. When we hear these news from our family or friends or colleagues, we celebrate and praise them. These events shows their luck, happiness, tireless efforts, guts or any other thing worth celebrating. Sometimes we become the one.  But if you don't have these kind of life events and spend your days without any notable or enviable things that could be easily put into the framework of celebrated occasion? How about spending life just decently, surviving tough times and keeping rising even if sometimes knocked down, but never feeling like winning the game? 

I'm not going to turn to the cliche like "normal life is the most beautiful thing" or "be thankful to your small happiness", even if they describe one way of truth. We have self-esteem, we like to be recognized and respected, we have greed, aspire for success, and naturally the deeper the happiness is the better we feel. I just have been wondering that if we don't offer many occasion to be celebrated or praised, that does not mean we are lack of good fortune or effort, let alone losing in life. Do celebrate your life as it is because it's worth, just like the stunning beauty of the christmas tree always delights us, meanwhile the quiet excellence of a tree in the field (very likely to be identical to the next tree) also pleases us.

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