
237 Fables

Illustration by Maurice Boutet de Monvel for "Fables choisies pour les enfants"
Snow White has been cinematized. Alice in Wonderland was also. Even The Lord of the Rings could be filmed. Fairy tales, the Greek myths, epics, Sci-Fi, so they are. But I'm sure that my favorite mottoes in childhood could never be visualized. They're Fables by Jean de La Fontaine, and stories and chronicles of wildlife by Ernest Thompson Seton.

In reading La Fountain's Fables, where people and familiar animals do something wrong or funny, stupid or thoughtful you could feel pleasant esprit, refined humor, and subtle moral. It's really a casual and innocent world. It's a sober manner, sober enough to become sometimes very surreal. Imagine the tiny story--- a crow is having a cheese in its beak. A hungry fox sees it, and approached, saying flattery to the crow. Finally the crow couldn't resist to sing, and drop the cheese, which the fox cleverly takes. Perhaps  nobody wish to cinematize this, but perhaps anybody could agree that this is more than a dramatic script or visual effect.

I used to read Ernest Thompson Seton's wildlife stories in such an enthusiasm. I don't know why but "Lobo the King of Currumpaw", or "The Biography of a Silver Fox" were to me a true hero stories. Instead of being charmed by fairy tales or superheroes I liked to free my imagination on the unknown land and unknown life in the Rocky Mountains, Canada, New Mexico or the Arctic Circle, with wolves, bears, reindeers, rabbits and horses. In these stories I've learned how wild animals follow their instinct, how vital is it to keep the natural law to protect life and avoid unnecessary conflict with their enemies, but in combat, how they maximize the strength, advantage and specialty while making the weakness inconspicuous as much as possible.

Simplicity is the finest aspect of the fables and animal chronicles. They tell us to "Do the right thing."


236 Good listener

Goldman Sachsに関する本を読んでいたら、あるパートナーのこんな逸話が登場しました。






235 Away from Social Networks

Recently I noticed two new things have kept me away from watching/posting Facebook and Twitter for a while. One is the Monocle 24 which gives me a totally awesome program, the best mixture of musics from all around the world and international broadcasting. The other is a small Geneva sound system which I bought recently. It enables me to listen to my iPod sound list so smoothly (this would be a matter of course for any sound system with an iPod dock, but Geneva's style is outstanding.)
Social networks (including this little blog) have numerous fun and utilities, and generally in a good sense they're amateur, artless, and ordinary. Monocle 24 and Geneva product are professional, sophisticated and skillful. Both qualities are necessary but latter is overwhelmingly captivating compared to the former.


234 Supermoon

I remember when I was very young I used to walk to home with my mother. One evening I saw the moon in the sky at the station. Within ten minutes' walk on the path to home, I looked up the sky and saw the moon again. I wondered and asked my mother why it still followed me. She answered to me, "to lighten your way til you would be safe back home." 
A bit later when I came to know that the sun is a burning star, I used to stare at the sun for a while as if I were able to see the flaming core. I never asked my parents why the sun followed me. Somehow I've got a feeling that the sun might be too grand to keep the light just on me. If the moon was the guardian, the sun was the sovereign. Moon follows us while the sun rules us. It's interesting that the childish images were astronomically quite right.


232 Fuglen



231 Conifer

The moment you walk into woods,

you see trees taller, much older and yet much fresher than you.

It's the beginning of summer.


230 3D or 2D?

"May the 4th" ---it seems today is an anniversary for Star Wars universe

Toy Story 3」「Christmas Carol」「Thor」「Harry Potter―近年、3Dで見て面白かった映画です。ディズニーやピクサー作品、特にChristmas Carolの繊細で丁寧な3D表現は秀逸でした。やはりアニメーションはもともと自由自在な画面が作れるだけに3Dに違和感がありません。後2つはいわゆる大作ですが映画全体のアートワークがなかなか素晴らしく、これも3Dで体感すべき楽しさの一つです。
一方、昨年の3Dブロックバスターとなった「Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tidesは機内で見ました(勿論2Dで)。映像の醍醐味は到底なく、目を凝らして小さな画面を見ているだけでしたが、エンタテインメントの面白さを損なうことはありません。
Hugo」「The Adventures of Tintin」といった評判の3D映画を見ていないため正確な判断はできませんが、結論としては2Dでも3Dでもどちらでもいいように思います。3Dでリマスターされた「Star Wars Episode1」は初公開時より若干面白く感じましたが、映像に奥行きや臨場感が足されると具体的にどうなのかと言われれば、「何となく格好良くなる」といったところです。
今年のアカデミー賞を席巻した「The Artist」や「My Week with Marilyn」「Midnight in Paris」はいずれも素晴らしく面白く、質が高く、美しく、そして3D化などは誰も考えもしない映画です。ではSFXをふんだんに使った娯楽大作で、アクション満載でロケーションと映像に凝った映画であれば例外なく3Dなのかといえば、「Mission Impossible―Ghost Protocol」は2Dでした。2Dがよいか3Dがよいかなどとは一瞬も考えずに済むスリリングで実に面白い映画でした。一方、3Dで公開された「John Carter」は、面白いというよりいささか不思議な映画ですが、火星の王国というファンタジックな世界とアクションシークエンスにおいて3D表現は見事でした。


229 Financial Times

from FT, "Peter Martin Fellowship"

"The Financial Times is offering a three-month internship in the memory of Peter Martin, the FT’s former chief business columnist and deputy editor, who died in August 2002 at the early age of 54."

コラムニスト、Peter Martin氏を偲びロンドンで開催されるFTインターンシップの記事を目にしました。思わず、経済の学生でもないのに応募したくなりました。「アイディア、ウィットと人間性をもって紙面に貢献し」「独自の洞察がきらめきを見せるコラム」を書ける力とはどういうものなのか、とても興味を惹かれました。


参加者は「経済学のすぐれた基礎を身につけ、独自の思考を持ち、情報には不足していないがプロではない読者にも理解しやすい流暢な文章を書けること」が求められます。さらに経済またはビジネスに関する500 wordsの論説を提出すること、とありました。




To those who are interested in this internship program at FT;


228 Paul Cézanne

"Mont Sainte-Victoire", 1904

Cézanne has always been my favorite since I saw some famous works in the art textbook in junior high. I've got to know many other painters of classics and modern but to me his works are unrivaled. Actually they are magical.

When I see Cézanne's paintings especially the Provence scenery, I feel like taking deep breath as if I were really in the middle of the woods. It's because of the beautiful bright green color, but I'm sure that not every artist's works make me feel so. The difference is the depth. I see his paintings with my sight and at the same time with my other four senses. This sounds odd but may possibly be right because Cézanne would love to walk in the nature to get inspiration with stimulating all the senses he had.

I know this is cheeky enough, but Cézanne and I are congenial with regard to the obsession for natural green. He thought that green was the color of vitality and tenderness (to eyes), which I agree though I've never really thought about why I'm so attracted by botanical green. Only his work lets me leave the museum and take me out to breathe in the green forest or at the river bank.

As to another obsession for the mountain, of course his renowned Mont Saint-Victoire, I have something in common. My hometown has a famous mountain which doesn't look like real Saint-Victoire but is closer in his paintings. It looks as if a giant god is sitting with his vast robe trailing and covering all over, just like "the Ghost of Christmas Present" in A Christmas Carol. Mont Saint-Victoire looks somewhat supreme, or sublime to me and I imagine how Cézanne would take his own image of the mountain. 


227 Green Mercedes

This is the same model as far as I could tell, but the color is different

Today I saw a Mercedes parking on the broad street near my place. I saw it in the morning, in the afternoon and afterwards, but no one seemed to care about it (though it was in a No Parking area). The handsome cabriolet was in unusual ivy green and was modestly shining. It was tidily beautiful. I felt like taking some pictures of it but couldn't. It was too close. It was too close to fully consider and protect the privacy of the owner. I stared at it for a while and left.

How do you, supposing you're the owner of a nice car, feel about it? You may feel alright and even happy when you know people look at your car with admiring faces. But you would certainly get annoyed if your car is being photographed without permission.

So I gave up of course. But I wished if only there was a signature, like an armband or something, to identify me officially that I would take photo out of praise and effort to picture the moment of joy.