
587 Time Zone

Office work starts at 9 am in the morning and closes at around 6 pm. We usually (if we are lucky enough) get bonus in December. Kids are back to school in September. Arguably, the sun rise and sets, we wake up in the morning and get rest in the night, the seasons change in the course of 12 months. So our society and social activity are organized in certain time in a very orderly manner. That's social requirement that we accept as a matter of fact. But sometimes we need to live according to our own time zone. You can take as much time as you want to breathe, for example. You can have meals or fall asleep anytime you want (as far as you can fully accomplish your job). You can change your life in January, May, October or anytime of a year if you really wish to, no matter when the calendar year or the fiscal year starts and ends. 

Right now at this moment, time has been lost forever and never be reversed. But the fact is time is yours. So it's worth trying to take your time, if you can. 

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