
678 White Hair

Coat of polar bear is not actually white, it's transparent and hollow hair that reflects and scatter sunlight just as ice and snow, which leads to appear all white. The hollow hair is considered to keep warmth inside their fur, to enable polar bear to live on cold icy land. That is the fact which is supposed to be well known.

Meanwhile we do not know exactly why our hair turns to white or gray or silver in line with our aging. Some gets white hair, others not. Some gets in younger age, others not. We have tons of much more important health issues than being white hair when you get old. We are not sure of it, so it might be okay to just imagine why this happens. Given the special, beautiful white fur of polar bear is designed for heating their body to protect their lives, then what if our white hair in our process of aging is there also to protect ourselves. Nonsense, it may be. But at least there is no reason we cannot think the white hair as a celebration, a bliss or a medal given for us to prove our wealth of experience and maturity.

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