And I'd like to thank you for kindly supporting this little blog.
2011 was a "Lost and Found" year. The earthquake lost so many lives and we managed to find for what we are surviving. We lost electric power and we found we could stand together for one aim.
We lost Steve Jobs and I found my social network. I'm getting losing my time but I found more than ever chances to meet again my old friends. I said goodby to some co-workers and I found the human is what's all about in our job. I lost balance in my health and found people who cared about it. I lost confidence and found the importance of re-creating it.
I found Noel Gallagher as a new icon of Brit rock.
I found Pirates of the Carebbean was not just a blockbuster but a funky and glamorous fantasy.
When you lost something it's hard to change the situation but it's possible to find the alternatives.
I once lost belief in me and found that my passion was still strong in a trip to Helsinki. I found Helsinki and shall be willing to support the fantastic city where the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 will rise in a few hours. I wish I could be now at the Helsinki Cathedral in the Senate Square but I feel happy to have been there and hoping the next time.
199 Oscar
Faye Danaway at Beverly Hills Hotel in the morning after the Oscar night in 1977,
photo taken by Terry O’Neill, "the best Oscar picure ever taken"
It's not because this is the New Year's Eve, but I think I can tell a truth. I wanted to be an actor when I was a kid. I even admit that I once dreamed about getting an Oscar. I've been always looking forward to watching the Oscar awards show.
Though the dream era has gone I still think New Year's Eve is the best time to rebroadcast the Oscar. Why? because, the night is for praising the year's works and achievements, giving gratitude to fellow workers, friends, families and god, and of course celebrating. That's the attitude which should be shared at the end of the year, isn't it?
The show is truly interesting. Think of it, the most expressive and eloquent talented people in the world would gather to show their most natural feelings (I guess so, but sometimes it might be the most controlled peformance). This is interesting as a human watching in most luxurious way.
One of the most impressive and touching moments that I like is Michael Caine winning the best Supporting Actor in 2000. He said "I don't feel like being the winner, I represent you", and praised each of his fellow nominees with heart and full of humor.
And one of the funniest and most brilliant jokes is definitely this, Jack Black and Will Ferrell's "Get Off the Stage" song.
Loveliest moment in these years should be Kate Winslet winning Best Actress, really beautiful stage by 5 presenters, and don't miss the charming "Dad, whistle or something!"
Great show always has great host. Needless to say the legendary Bob Hope and Billy Crystal, one of my favorites is cynical and intellectual, “A Wild and Crazy Guy” Steve Martin.
in 2003,
and in 2010, with Alec Baldwin
I'd like you all to have fun and nice evening of the New Year's Eve!
198 Delta
197 Carré
Hermès is one of the unique brands that I trust and respect. It's not "like or not like", nor "buy or not buy". I always feel strong personality, attitude and style in their maison or their products. Thier maison is just like a "house", as if Monsieur et Madame Hermès live in there. The identity is thoroughly established.
To me Hermès scarf has been a symbol of prestige, like Bently's motorcar, which means they are far from me. But lately I found that Carré, the iconic scarf, was possibly a close friend. Every one of us might have experience of wrapping ourselves in a blanket and playing hide-and-seek, or peekaboo when we were babies. Child's imagination turns a piece of cloth into a king's gown or Halloween ghost. Carré urges us to ventre the imagination a bit more sophisticated than a kid with a blanket. A piece of cloth must be the first instinctive source of creation to a human.
To me Hermès scarf has been a symbol of prestige, like Bently's motorcar, which means they are far from me. But lately I found that Carré, the iconic scarf, was possibly a close friend. Every one of us might have experience of wrapping ourselves in a blanket and playing hide-and-seek, or peekaboo when we were babies. Child's imagination turns a piece of cloth into a king's gown or Halloween ghost. Carré urges us to ventre the imagination a bit more sophisticated than a kid with a blanket. A piece of cloth must be the first instinctive source of creation to a human.
196 Record matters
Souvenir from Helsinki to my little niece, actually a wine cover, not a stuffed toy.
The loveliest reindeer I've ever seen.
At this time of the last year I was enjoying island trip and planning to finish 100 posts by the end of the year. This was achieved with ease, since I was in a long and beautiful vacation then.
This year I shall again state that I will finish another 100 (means, 200th) posts by 31th December 2011. Now I will stay in office until 30th and is working overtime. Time is limited and I am tired, so isn't it nonsense just to try to keep the record of 100 posts annually?
I think not. Keeping a little thing is sometimes important. It has nothing special, but it's a feel-good thing. So there're 4 posts left to be written and I have 4 days. Writing post itself is not so hard. I could talk about so many different things that came up with. But the toughest thing is to always take, choose and find the good picture.
Life is an irony.
While I am exhausted by overwork, it is what the people at a loss for job is longing for. However, the sun rises for everyone.
195 Classy, Classic, and Classroom Christmas
"It's a Wonderful Life", directed by Frank Capra, 1946
Briggsの"Father Christmas"が最初のクリスマス本だったなら、次に読んだのはディケンズの「クリスマス・キャロル」だったはずです。この不朽の名作は、歓喜に満ちた結末ゆえになんとなく楽しいお話だと思っていたのですが、大人になって読み返せば物語のほとんどは悲痛と後悔と贖罪が語られていることに驚きます。それを一気に、一点の曇りもない明るい希望に導く結末には、とてつもない力強さがあります。その次に出会ったのはケストナーの「飛ぶ教室」。これも第一級のクリスマス物語ですが、大人になって読み返す人が少ないのは残念なことです。倫理観の強いストーリーは確かに子供向きとはいえ、全編通してキルヒベルクという街のクリスマスの描写がじつに活き活きとして愉しい本なのです。
194 Delight Christmas

So this is Christmas, I would just pop the brilliant one from my photostock. It's in my hometown.
Merry Christmas to you all.
193 Father Christmas
My first Christmas book given by my parents was Raymond Briggs' "Father Christmas", from which you could guess how my parents have a sense of humor. This cynical old man created the first image of Santa Claus in me. What an imagination that Santa Claus is actually a grumpy man reluctantly working all night in heavy snow for delivering the presents!
But the man is really charming and hard working. He deals with everything from caring his reindeers, preparing for the long tough night journey (he made sandwitch and brought raincoats, radio and lantern), doing households and chores, and celebrating his own Christmas for himself (the funniest part of the story).
One of my favorite scenes is the Father Christmas talking with a milkman in the morning haze. Here "the flying reindeer" and the real world meets. I always think people working in early morning is kind of in half-dream and half-real world because everyone else is still unconcsious in sleep (I knew it myself as I did temporary newspaper delivery when I was a kid). This is the time you might meet the Father Christmas as a decent worker.
At the same time Briggs' Father Christmas makes me wonder what his life is like. These are my childhood's questions and still left answered even if I'm grown up.
-Except for Christmas day, what does he do for the rest of the year? Sleeping?
-Where did he get the many many presents? Did he pay for all of them?
-He gets several greeting cards and presents (though he doesn't like most of them), but from who? He has relatives?
-Is he married? Where is his wife and children?
-Giving presents on Christmas day, is that his lifetime work? Did he start the job when he was young? Or is it a part-time job after his retirement?
-Is he appointed by Santa Claus in Finland? (Because he never mention his name as Santa Claus)
-Would he and his reindeers come across the ocean to my home?
192 Winter Light
Even in the chilly wind you'll catch some winter's light. Free from summer's humid and heavy air, sunlight in winter is crystal clear and has unexpectedly strong brilliance.
191 The King's Speech
今年初めにアカデミー賞を受賞した「The King's Speech(英国王のスピーチ)」がとても面白かったので、ご紹介します。そういえば、昨年末はやはりその前のアカデミーで話題になった「Up in the Air」について書きました。近頃は映画を観るのも1年遅れですが、SNSや頻々としたメールのやりとりに時間を割いているためだとしたら、果たして世界は広がっているのかそうでないのかとふと思います。
190 In the Mirror
from Australian
A word of wisdom ; "A clouded mirror cannot reflect the true figure." "A clouded mind never reflect the other mind correcrtly. Only a clear mirror can tell the truth." "So try to be clear, and keep the dust away from your mind."
189 In the Cloud
Photograph by Rüdiger Nehmzow
How does it feel like to be in cloud? Airplane pilots may know that. I'm feeling like I'm stuck in thick cloud. The sight is obscure and sometimes very dark. I cannot know what is the course beyond here and where I am located now. I was told that "You should get your feet back on the ground." So at least I will get my feet on the floor of my airplane and steady on.
I hope the answer is not "blowin' in the wind", but it's in this cloud and the haze.
188 Birthday 2011
Whether you might spend it fantastically or not, birthday is the time to remember if you wish to remember. In 2011 my funny birthday started at office in midnight (I worked overtime). Later on the day I spent classtime with my dance fellows and at the end of the class the word slipped out of my mouth that it was my birthday because I thought it would be unfriendly to them not to tell. They were amazed and blamed me for not telling it earlier. At last we dropped in a bar and they toasted me.
On the day, the day before, and the day after, I am so thankful that I've got so many kindhearted messages and presents from nice musics to invitaion to coffee. This year as well these gifts made the day to be well rememberd, had it not been for birthday cakes and champagne (I was not in good health anyway).
Just one year doesn't make people smarter, richer nor improved, but I'm sure at least I am experienced one year. Every coming year is an unpredictable story of my life.
On the day, the day before, and the day after, I am so thankful that I've got so many kindhearted messages and presents from nice musics to invitaion to coffee. This year as well these gifts made the day to be well rememberd, had it not been for birthday cakes and champagne (I was not in good health anyway).
Just one year doesn't make people smarter, richer nor improved, but I'm sure at least I am experienced one year. Every coming year is an unpredictable story of my life.
187 Breakfast at L
186 Unplug Your Holiday
No.1 自転車掃除
No.2 皮革製品の手入れ
No.3 エア・ギターを弾く
185 RGRL#9 Last Minutes
Just one more story to end this journey notes, because I liked the city so much that I still remember the last minutes at the Helsinki airport, and in the flight to back home.
Soon I realised that I had lost my luggage label folded inside my passport. It must have been fallen somewhere but I didn't have time to get back. I talked to a lady at the FINNAIR counter and she helped me instantly. She said that happened very often and wrote the luggage number on back of my boarding pass. Easy. (After all, nobody asked me to hand the label or show the number at the destination)
The airport lounge was crowded. And as always, only the crowd at the airport did not annoy me. It might be due to the traveler's common sympathy or of the comfortable and spacy looks of the Helsinki airport.
On the flight I sat next to a charming lady who traveled with her parents. We talked about a lot about each travel, job, family, in-flight movie and meals. We looked at the gorgeous sunset and beautiful moon and stars. Her parents were such a nice people and we spent some time together after landing. Her whole family are barbers. I've only heard that the father's shop has a very historical background. I sent a thank you card to the shop. Soon the father sent me back a cordial letter. I don't know if I would ever see them again, but I am so thankful to the happy encounter which spiced up my journey at the last minutes.
184 RGRL#8 Day and Night
At daytime what I most enjoyed was the quietness and refreshing solitude. It seems people naturally shall become independent and stable in a nation where severe nature always tests you. It was a strong feeling of being on your own. Architectures calmly exist in every functional way as they are expected to be.
At the dusk the city turns brilliant under the deep blue sky. Getting colder, but the street are lit by cheerful brightness from building windows and street lamps, and from the harbor. People gather to dine out without shrinking from the chilly air. The mighty light was imprinted on my mind.
183 RGRL#7 Design in Life
Artek, might be a standard interior shop in such a design-minded nation as Finland. But it made me excited at the moment I looked into the place from outside window. They have chairs and tables and lightings, and I can't find anything else special which helps me to describe why I was in such a joy just walking around simple furnitures. I felt what the good design could deliver to human mind. It was a peace of mind, a stability, an imagination, a delight, a nourishment, a wisdom, an order, a concord, and a happiness.
Later, after I got back from my journey I had an opportunity to talk with a lady who owned a design management firm in Helsinki and introduced the coming WORLD DESIGN CAPITAL HELSINKI 2012. When she said "design in life is all about attitude" I almost gave a cheer to her. When I talked to her that I believe design gives us intelligence and power, perhaps my mind was on the moment among the tables and chairs in Helsinki.
Let me quote the statement of WDCH;
"We are open. For us, openness equals transparency, global responsibility and innovation. Usability, sustainability and desirability. That is what we are looking for. We design for a better life."
Later, after I got back from my journey I had an opportunity to talk with a lady who owned a design management firm in Helsinki and introduced the coming WORLD DESIGN CAPITAL HELSINKI 2012. When she said "design in life is all about attitude" I almost gave a cheer to her. When I talked to her that I believe design gives us intelligence and power, perhaps my mind was on the moment among the tables and chairs in Helsinki.
Let me quote the statement of WDCH;
"We are open. For us, openness equals transparency, global responsibility and innovation. Usability, sustainability and desirability. That is what we are looking for. We design for a better life."
182 RGRL#6 Aalto House
I was extremely lucky to be an only guest at Aalto House when I visited. It was a warm sunny afternoon and a perfect moment to soak myself into a nice place of one of the greatest modernist architects in 20th century. I think it's wise to truly describe the experience through not my sentiment, but the simple words of a man who guided the house.
"This is a place used to work, to meet clients and friends, and to live with his family. Aalto liked the place because he loved the natural scenery around the house. When he worked he sat on the corner desk and saw his staffs and puplis working nearby."
"See, his desk has quite a nice view of the white birch woods, because he was the boss."
"There is a sliding door dividing the workplace and the reception room, furnished with tables and sofas, vases and bookshelf ... all designed by his wife. The room welcomed clients and many artists and architects of the era. The picture was drawn and sent as a gift from Le Corbusier."
"That is a mezzanine floor and you see it is now a small library. It was originally planned to be his workroom but finally it turned out that the window didn't shed enough light into the place. Even so it remains a nice cozy place."
"The dining room was almost totally created by his wife. She also was working as a designer so I guess she hadn't much time to do houseworks, but here, she set a fantastic drawer ... it could be used convertibly, means, you can open the drawer both from the dining room and from the kitchen."
"The second floor is solely for his family's private life. Oh, here's a good sunshine now. This is a family's living room and around here, there are four rooms, and bathroom. The guest room is above the stairs and so, the bed is unusually high because it has to be to cover the space for the ceiling of stairs. Maybe some guests were fallen from the bed in their sleep? Oh yes it might happen. In the bathroom and the corridor you see there has a round window in the ceiling to let the sunshine into the room. Top light."
"At the terrace Aalto enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the fields and the sea. The trees has grown so much and you coudn't see the seashore anymore. The house was built more than 60 years ago and the view was different. It was the surburbs of Helsinki and there was nothing special. Now this is an exclusive residential distirct. Well yes, you could say that Aalto had a good judge."
"When he was annoyed by the noise of workplace he used to escape and sit by the window of his private room to continue thinking and designing."
"Back in few decades a family had lived on the second floor and changed the rooms a bit. Later the city of Helsinki obtained the house to restore the furnitures and banned any little changes from the original including the color and materials. It's like giving intellectual property right to the interior design of the private house. It's so unusual."
"Visitors here are usually a professional architects and students. They asked about like structures and materials ... professional questions. In the summertime this place is crowded with 20 people in one roundtrip. You were so lucky to see everything you want and take photographs as many as you can."
Yes, I was totally lucky and happy to spend nice and quiet time there. It was such a serendipity.
181 RGRL#5 Rain
On flight to Helsinki I watched Woddy Allen's "Midnight in Paris". At the start and end of the story it declares "When it rains Paris is much more beautiful---" or something like that. Talking about weather to me sunshine is always better except for snowfall. But yes, rain makes a city beautiful sometimes.
I've heard Helsinki in October they have much rain. It did but it didn't matter at all. In the daytime it makes red and yellow ivy leaves in Suomenlinna (the World Heritage Finnish fortress) look so unforgettably colorful. At dusk in the heart of Helsinki rain turns the street even brighter and gorgeous.
Sudden rain makes people meet. I took a shelter from evening shower and ran into the brand-new music hall. A man was with his babychild in a buggy sitting next to me. I asked him if he and his baby were waiting for mum. He said he was waiting for rain to stop, as well as me. We had a nice conversation for a while. We talked about his baby Onni (in Finnish "good luck""good fortune" he said), about weather, life in Helsinki, work, vacation and a plan for winter vacation. He said he was going to marry a women who is the mother of the baby on the New Year's Eve. I congratulated and wished his family best luck. He wished me a good journey. Rain gave me another good memory of the city.
After all rain will bring sunshine no matter what happens.
I've heard Helsinki in October they have much rain. It did but it didn't matter at all. In the daytime it makes red and yellow ivy leaves in Suomenlinna (the World Heritage Finnish fortress) look so unforgettably colorful. At dusk in the heart of Helsinki rain turns the street even brighter and gorgeous.
Sudden rain makes people meet. I took a shelter from evening shower and ran into the brand-new music hall. A man was with his babychild in a buggy sitting next to me. I asked him if he and his baby were waiting for mum. He said he was waiting for rain to stop, as well as me. We had a nice conversation for a while. We talked about his baby Onni (in Finnish "good luck""good fortune" he said), about weather, life in Helsinki, work, vacation and a plan for winter vacation. He said he was going to marry a women who is the mother of the baby on the New Year's Eve. I congratulated and wished his family best luck. He wished me a good journey. Rain gave me another good memory of the city.
After all rain will bring sunshine no matter what happens.
180 RGRL#4 Cafe
I knew that Finland is one of the greatest coffee-drinking nations on earth, but I had no idea of the reason. After spending some hours in several different cafes in Helsinki I still don't know why, but I am quite sure that these hours were blessed time. I visited Aschan Cafe Jugent everyday which used to be a bank office and was renovated to nice cafe, a place of classy but cozy and friendly atmosphere. I took this photo at Cafe Aalto, one of the most eminent cafe in Helsinki, where I confirmed people could just be happy with chic interiors and a cup of hot coffee. FINNAIR magazine recommended Cafe Ursula as a place to go in Helsinki, where I enjoyed beautiful harbor view and peace and quiet time with nice hot drink after a walk in cold morning. I had lunch many times at TEATTERI, not only because they offered nice salad lunch with teriffic grilled-salmon, but also because of well-designed and comfortable room of mid-century taste. And if you believe or not, I had a quite delicious coffee at sushibar and it fit sushi very much. Karl Fazer is a famous chocolatier in Helsinki and its Karl Fazer Cafe was a nice classic place but at the same time very lively and had really tasty chololates, cakes and pastries. Cafe Engel was the best choice to enjoy the elegant architecture and spend some time to look at the beautiful Cathedral over a cup of coffee. I also liked very much Design Museum Cafe, an in-house small cafe but served a rich coffee and was casually furnished with good modern pieces.
Naturally they all had sophisticated interior design, tasty coffee and good foods. There is even more. What I found and felt in these cafes was a sense of distance at each table and sense of independent relief--- in other word, a sense of territory perhaps. You could be free and comforatably alone in the middle of crowd and yet, everyone having good time together. I kind of believe that Helsinki cafes are effortlessly designed to make it possible.
Naturally they all had sophisticated interior design, tasty coffee and good foods. There is even more. What I found and felt in these cafes was a sense of distance at each table and sense of independent relief--- in other word, a sense of territory perhaps. You could be free and comforatably alone in the middle of crowd and yet, everyone having good time together. I kind of believe that Helsinki cafes are effortlessly designed to make it possible.
179 RGRL#3 Evergreen
In Helsinki for the first time I saw such fresh green in cold autumn. Temperature was around 4-5 deg centigrade, 2 in the morning. Chilly rain was often falling. Sometimes it was windy also. But the grass were green and bright in everywhere. In rain it looked even vivid, and in sunshine it was timelessly picturesque. And the green grass grew on the ground very next to the sea. I have no idea of the secret, but it was an unexpected gift to an ignorant visitor who had only imagined winter's dreary scenery, and I appreciated the gift all through the stay in Helsinki.
178 RGRL#2 The Cathedral
I believe there're so many fine architectures all over the world that we never fully appreciate each of them. Sometimes, some of them are even possibly underestimated. The Helsinki Cathedral is one of the famous symbol of the city but I think it would deserve more special reputation. I've heard of the breathtaking contrast of the snow white exterior and the blue sky. I was lucky to have the view in my own eyes. The cathedral fascinated me with beauty of not solely the symmetrical neo-classical design but also of simplicity and quietness. This is actually a grand building but never be obsessive nor noisy. On top of the front stairs with the wind from near sea, there exists, simply, a pure beauty and calmness.
177 Reindeer goes to Reindeer Land
I visited Helsinki, Finland. The capital city showed me such many charms. It has Aalto. It has Baltic Sea. It has fresh green grass and trees in chilly October. It has coffee-holic culture which never disappointed me. It has the Cathedral whose famous whiteness reaches almost the stage of myth. It has a superb combination of modern furniture and well-designed lighting. It has saunas with clean scent of cypress. It has sophistication and effortlessness. It has beauty and modesty. It has coziness and good sense of distance. It has something that makes a traveler feel at ease. I think I'll talk a bit more about my journey.
176 Trailer
I was in a journey during the last couple of days. Here's the land I visited. The place is one of the 7 cities I noted last year in the #98 "Travelista". And it is chosen one of the most livable city in the world. Some of the readers might find out. In a few days I'll be ready to report that nice journey. Forgive me to take some time because there're so many photographs that I need to check and edit. But whatever, traveling is wonderful.
175 Model
174 Change
Within past few days I've experienced many changes. I changed my mobile. Renewed my passport. Changed the background image of this page (which I am not totally satisfied so might be changeable sometime again.) Some of favorite weekend radio programs have changed today.
Things that I changed had changed me a little. Things that I have never expected to happen would change me a lot. Once you open the window of change perhaps you'll trigger a linkage of changes beyond your expectations.
What I cared most about my new mobile is how well I could use the new camera because I was so long and so well accustomed to the old and very good camera in the former. Old is old, new is new though. As you see above, clearer pixel and wider view will offer me different experience.
Things that I changed had changed me a little. Things that I have never expected to happen would change me a lot. Once you open the window of change perhaps you'll trigger a linkage of changes beyond your expectations.
What I cared most about my new mobile is how well I could use the new camera because I was so long and so well accustomed to the old and very good camera in the former. Old is old, new is new though. As you see above, clearer pixel and wider view will offer me different experience.
173 Skybathing
Could anyone explain how beautifully it can refresh and sharpen up people just to look at and take some air from very early morning sky?
I think this is not just a mental effect of feeling good. It should be something substantial, scientific action working on.
It's different from the sunlight-bathing. Sun has not even appeared.
What's that thing seriously that makes me feel terribly great when looking at the break of dawn?
I think this is not just a mental effect of feeling good. It should be something substantial, scientific action working on.
It's different from the sunlight-bathing. Sun has not even appeared.
What's that thing seriously that makes me feel terribly great when looking at the break of dawn?

172 Alber Elbaz and Alvar Aalto
A few days later I found the new ad-film of Lanvin's Fall/Winter 2011 collection. Mr. Elbaz himself was on it and looked very effortlessly cheerful and happy.
Soon after I encountered a FT weekend article portraying him that tells some of his remarks which I thought was witty and realistic, as well as how successfully he has been making good money (that was Financial Times, not Vogue).
"Be both big and small, in other words, do not be afraid to dream big, but also never forget you are just a man."
"Fashion is something you make that gives a sort of protection to people so they can leave home in the morning."
Coincidently at the same time I met an impressive words from Finnish greatest architect, Mr. Alvar Aalto;
"Do not think you are making a chair. You're making something people sit on. That way leads you to a new idea and creation."
I don't mean to combine these two creator's words in any way but definitely this is both about the humanity in creation.
171 Cliché
Coffee, water, bread, vegetables with orange-dressing, boiled egg and yogurt with honey
170 Satellite
169 F/W
Lanvin F/W 2011 Collection
I can't resist the temptaion to post this, even if I know this is just about fashion-ad again. #167 Prada and this Lanvin movies were both photographed by Steven Meisel, both splendid, but the effect is quite the opposite. Compared to Prada's motionless sober girls in a bright color dream, this shows ultra-glomourous ladies and guys animated by their jaunty dance in a solemn room.
It's no use of explanation. If you might like it or not this is groovy.
Funny thing is that some people discuss the awkwardness of the dance. Of course this is intentional---this is a sense of joke, what else it could be? But this is a highly classy joke. This is terrifically chic because the clothing is terrific after all. Still, as an amateur dancer I can't help keeping my eyes on the funny choreography than the posh collections.
168 Grass Roots
167 A/W
PRADA A/W 2011 Campaign
It might be too late to talk about A/W collection now, but doesn't matter. I always think that fashion industry can foresee the future well but never review if their vision was really appropriate to the season back in half year ago. However, sensitive designers have ability to learn well from the past.Every season PRADA campaign attract my eyes. In this A/W 2011 collection, obviousy they had succeeded to realize the inspiration from 60's modernism and Piet Mondrian's abstract paintings. And the incredible was the movie. Here the approachable real clothing also contains a complex charm.
Sulky girls(as always in PRADA campaigns) are lying on floor or couch. Clothings usually don't look so great when the wearer is sprawling, but they're still chic. A taste of glamour, but mostly dryness and indifference(as true to girl's nature).
I like it because there's no room for farfetched fashion story even if the warm colors and catchy, dreamy eyes seem to be telling something. The clothing is fantastic. Beautifully and comfortably fitted. That's what the fashion is all about.
The real topic here is not the campaign itself. Back in early 2010, I wrote about PRADA. I read it again before writing this #167 and was embarasssed because the text was clumsy. It's not so bad but apparently struggling to deliver the feelings. If this being a document my boss will turn it down. If I am the boss I'll do the same(so the readers please kindly do not trace that post).
I started this blog mostly because I could do my own writing training, and not wishing to be a fashion blogger. I'm satisfied as this training seems to be working well so far.
166 Jets' Lounge
I really sometimes see the airplanes landing on the runway as the flock of birds. It's not that they look like birds (they don't), but they're like the migratory birds busily landing and flying away in every 10 minutes.
Although I like the finest, modern airports and do respects who creat them, my opinion is airports should be functionally simple. Airports are for jets, not for jet-sets. Airports are for managing the secure and organized flights as quick and comfortable as possibe, and offering a safe place for the high-tech iron birds to feed them and support their cross-border travel.
When looking at too much commercialized or too much localized airports I must say I feel confused. Do they have to be equipped with so many amusement for tourlist, especially in the age when almost everyone has its own i-something gadget to pass time? And isn't airport an international common place, which allows passengers a temporarily care-free time without minding the local differences outside the airport?
Although I like the finest, modern airports and do respects who creat them, my opinion is airports should be functionally simple. Airports are for jets, not for jet-sets. Airports are for managing the secure and organized flights as quick and comfortable as possibe, and offering a safe place for the high-tech iron birds to feed them and support their cross-border travel.
When looking at too much commercialized or too much localized airports I must say I feel confused. Do they have to be equipped with so many amusement for tourlist, especially in the age when almost everyone has its own i-something gadget to pass time? And isn't airport an international common place, which allows passengers a temporarily care-free time without minding the local differences outside the airport?
165 Triangle
ガレット・ブルトンヌ(Galette bretonne、フランスのそば粉パンケーキ)は普通円い生地を四角く折りたたむものだと思っていましたが、この店では三角でした。しかも正三角形。
164 Intelligence
Anna Karina
I think it is the way people laugh that inevitably and brilliantly shows his/her intelligence. A cheerful, clear and honest laughter makes you believe that the person has refinement, good nature and good sense of communication, which I call is intelligence.
163 Tiffany Blue
©Tiifany & Co.
アクアマリンにほぼ近く、わずかに緑がかった明るい色、ケンブリッジ・ブルーに一番近いと思うのですが、その色をTiffanyのシグネチャー・カラーのような青という意味で"Tiffany Blue"と一般に呼ぶのかと思っていました。その色が実は、同社が19世紀に創業した時から商標登録されていることを最近知りました。「Tiffanyのような色」ではなく「Tiffanyの色」というわけです。
Similar to aquamarine, but with a slightest greenish brightness, which I think is most close to cambridge blue, that the color is generally called "Tiffany Blue" because it resembles the signature blue color of Tiffany & Co., was my understanding. In fact it has been protected as a color trademark since its foundation in 19th century. The color is not "like Tiffany" but "the very Tiffany."
So if you follow them and choose one and only color that idetifies yourself? You might probably come up with one or two of your favorite colors soon. It's not so hard to name the most favorite among them. Mine is navy blue. But in my childhood it used to be cerulean blue or sky blue. A few years ago it was lime green. It seems impossible to pick up one color to symbolize one's whole lifetime, not to say as much as over the century, doesn't it?
Try to pick up just one color that embodies yourself in your own life. You'd understand how difficult it might be to choose one signature color that symbolizes one company always and forever.
162 The Anthem
Oasis "D'You Know What I Mean?" 1997
"D'You Know What I Mean?"は必ずしもNo.1に挙がる曲ではありませんが、当時は"Coolest thing in the world"でした。今では、まあ、同じ感覚には到底なれないのですが、ドラムは間違いなく最高レベルのcoolnessを備えた曲です。彼らの持ち味である(時に過剰なまでの)「ビートルズっぽさ」が、この曲では珍しく控えられてよりモダンさを発揮しています。人の表情もヘリコプターの滑らかな動きもすべて同じような質感、ちょっと独特の精緻な無機質さで捉えた映像も見事です。
"Coolest thing in the world"で通じるもの、それがつまり「アンセム」です。
161 A Lady with Crochet
In one evening I was dining in a bagle cafe. I was reading an architectural magazine and began fed up with it. I walked up to the shelf and took a magazine full of Hollywood celebrity news.
Soon after a lady came into the shop and sat at table next to mine. She seemed to be in late 50's, small and plump. Her mussy black hair was without luster, her blotched face was dull, and her outfits were somber. Only her shoes were chic, but overall, she was unlikely a kind of person whom you're wiling to spend some time sitting next to.
I've lost interest in her and stopped watching her. I was back in the report of marriage and divorce of gorgeous people. Then I heard her voice ordering cafe au lait. It was clear and sweet, which would make anyone notice how she was careful about etiquette. It was charming in contrast to her appearance.
When I finished coffee and magazine, she was completely quiet. I gave her a last glance---and was surprised. She was listening to music with earphone from her shining mobile phone and engaged in some crochet. The thing she was knitting was not certain but something made of two different grey and rose pink. It looked less 'granny-made' and was a delicate work. The contrast between her unattractive look and sophisticated act was so vivid. I kept staring at her but she stayed calm perfectly ignoring me.
I felt even I could write her story. She, 'the dull granny' might actually be an arm-chair detective who was solving the case while knitting. She might possibly be an ex-Very Important Person who now off duty. I kept imagining like an ambitious movie producer after I left the shop.
Manwatching hardly makes fun these days, but keep watching, and you will find an unpredictable moment full of surprise and joy, from time to time.
160 Globe Trotter
I think I had better start planning my journey-in-late-summer-or-possibly-early-autumn. I have in my mind some ideal cities for my destination. Any of them will brighten up my vacation.
When I see many happy tourlists from entire planet, sometimes I can't help wondering if it is surely valuable for them to visit here, because I'm not so perfectly certain why my city attracts a great many people. Are you really enjoying my city? Isn't it much more comfortable to stay in your own in the middle of summer?
Then if I go some city, the citizens would say to me, "Why do you come all the way to my country? Is there anything to see?"---this is exactly the question I was asked by a kind young man when I traveled Europe. He even recommended me to change my course to neighbor countries.
For him it might have been odd if I chose the country out of many famed resorts to spend my vacation. It wasn't. I chose the place first and took a vacation. The difference is simple but significant. You have two ways of journey; one for resting yourself in a beautiful scenery and fine food, and other for questing whatever, going wherever you want.
There are double the reason to go round the globe.
When I see many happy tourlists from entire planet, sometimes I can't help wondering if it is surely valuable for them to visit here, because I'm not so perfectly certain why my city attracts a great many people. Are you really enjoying my city? Isn't it much more comfortable to stay in your own in the middle of summer?
Then if I go some city, the citizens would say to me, "Why do you come all the way to my country? Is there anything to see?"---this is exactly the question I was asked by a kind young man when I traveled Europe. He even recommended me to change my course to neighbor countries.
For him it might have been odd if I chose the country out of many famed resorts to spend my vacation. It wasn't. I chose the place first and took a vacation. The difference is simple but significant. You have two ways of journey; one for resting yourself in a beautiful scenery and fine food, and other for questing whatever, going wherever you want.
There are double the reason to go round the globe.
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